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Monthly Product Feature. Your Hostess… Marcia Cota Commercial Director.

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Presentation on theme: "Monthly Product Feature. Your Hostess… Marcia Cota Commercial Director."— Presentation transcript:

1 Monthly Product Feature

2 Your Hostess… Marcia Cota Commercial Director

3 Congratulations to the following who advanced rank in the month of July (maintaining rank status for 4 consecutive months). Recognition Name SponsorNew Rank William & Becky Wolff Global Sponsor Mastergold Jacquelyn Johnston Susan Roth Bronze

4 Congratulation to the following who have achieved Manager rank in July (maintaining rank status for 4 consecutive months) Recognition Name Sponsor Virginie PlanteIsabelle Langlois Shenny JafferJelena Guscic Kinga Kwiatkowski Irena Srahl Elma UnrauAnne & Willie Unrau Lacey PoytressWilliam & Becky Wolff

5 Congratulations to the following who have broken out to Bronze Manager rank in July (first month at Bronze rank) Recognition Name Sponsor Dane & Val EmburyKathy Deane Sandra DuffDane & Val Embury Fern CarlsonSandra Duff

6 Recognition Congratulations to the following who have broken out to Manager rank In July (first month at Manager rank) NameSponsor Moira & Parke DavisRamila & Megs Padiachy Renee GoldsteinBetsy Vourantoni Liz GarciaDiane McLaren Lori DicksonNella Berkhout Diane MillerTeri Ann Palmer Katharine WallJoan Vankoughnett Brenda BourqueBehrooz & Elaine Tahririha Paul EmburyDane & Val Embury Ketan & Bhumika PatelFern Carlson

7 Feature Product: Colostrum

8 Features & Benefits Provides overall support to the immune system. Supports immune function against viruses, particularly of the respiratory tract. Contains essential amino acids for the maintenance and repair of body structures and overall good health. Sourced from antibiotic- and hormone-free cows. Low heat processing to retain its unique properties.

9 Why Colostrum Whole food with safe, broad application for all ages. Provides both immune and growth factors. We are entering the cold and flu season. On sale! 10% off or buy 3 get 1 Free. Every 10 bottles purchased per account will be entered into a draw for a $250 Garden Centre Gift Certificate.

10 Sales Support Material Ads Posters Facebook U & E Campaign Catalogues Promotion 10% OFF or buy 3 get 1 FREE Incentive – every 10 into a Draw for a basket of products

11 Print Ads

12 Web or Email banner ad

13 Poster or FaceBook Post

14 Update & Educate Bulletin

15 Sales Campaign Catalogues

16 Promo: Assorted basket of NSP products draw. Special draw for those who purchase 10 or more Colostrums.

17 Find Material On The Web Feature Product Section

18 Q & A, or Tel: 905-494-3901

19 Testimonies from Top Leaders

20 Future Webinars Save the dates!!! Webinar date and product to be announced





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