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Major Research Instrumentation- COV Discussion of the Issues and Recommendations with SMART October 18, 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "Major Research Instrumentation- COV Discussion of the Issues and Recommendations with SMART October 18, 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 Major Research Instrumentation- COV Discussion of the Issues and Recommendations with SMART October 18, 2005

2 Review Process: Uniformity, Quality, and Transparency Significant variations of the review mechanism and associated documentation Recommendation: Utilization of panels across the foundation, augmented by ad hoc reviews when needed Need to pay more attention in documenting decisions and communicating the rationale Recommendation: Provide a more detailed review analysis to PIs. o Document better decisions regarding large proposals and the large proposal panel process. Significant variation in recognition of the value of using diverse reviewers Recommendation: Improve representation and document it.

3 Using Merit Review Criteria No explicit instructions on how the two criteria are applied to Ph.D.- granting and non-Ph.D. granting institutions Recommendation: develop guidelines for Ph.D. granting institutions and separate guidelines for non-Ph.D. granting institutions Significant disparity in usage of broader impacts criterion across NSF Recommendation: Ensure utilization of broader impact criterion, and require reporting about the related accomplishments in the final report.

4 Communication to the Research and Education Communities Need to explain clearly that non-Ph.D. granting institutions are competed separately o Help non-Ph.D. granting institutions develop better proposals. Recommendation: provide a web-library of excellent proposals. Need to clearly define “development” proposals Need to convey expected management plans Guidance on how different types of institutions may best fulfill broader impact criterion.

5 Evaluating Program Impact Need more information (beyond present type of final report) Recommendation: Require post award reporting, including verifying that the instruments have been used as intended. Alternatives include considering 5 year project duration and detailed final report, and/or various incentives to have better final reports. Require more detailed management plans to be used in proposal evaluations-(Final report)

6 Limits Imposed by the Solicitation Number of proposals per organization Recommendation: Allow each organization to submit one proposal/directorate or office (7) Cap on requested amount Recommendation: Increase cap to $4-6M. Foster collaborative proposals between Ph.D. and non-Ph.D. granting institutions Recommendation: establish a separate limit for this type proposal and/or establish separate funding opportunities. Pay directly operations and maintenance costs.

7 Program Data Comparison 2004-2005 2004 Number of Proposals Reviewed: 838 Dollars Requested: $421,372,027 Average Dollar Requested: $502,831 Median Dollar Requested: $375,822 Number of Awards: 327 MRI Dollars Awarded in Year: $109,067,161 NSF Dollars Awarded in Year: $112,854,311 Average Award (NSF Dollars): $345,120 Median Award (NSF Dollars): $279,983 Success Rate: 39% 2005 Number of Proposals Reviewed: 786 Dollars Requested: $473,579,186 Average Dollar Requested: $602,518 Median Dollar Requested: $445,980 Number of Awards: 255 MRI Dollars Awarded in Year: $89,281,684 NSF Dollars Awarded in Year: $93,690,810 Average Award (NSF Dollars): $367,415 Median Award (NSF Dollars): $294,200 Success Rate: 32%

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