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TGC electronics meeting at CERN June/2002 1 Status of ASIC development for TGC electronics PP SLB Hi-pT JRC PPE SSW-rx VME protocol Chikara Fukunaga TGC.

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Presentation on theme: "TGC electronics meeting at CERN June/2002 1 Status of ASIC development for TGC electronics PP SLB Hi-pT JRC PPE SSW-rx VME protocol Chikara Fukunaga TGC."— Presentation transcript:

1 TGC electronics meeting at CERN June/2002 1 Status of ASIC development for TGC electronics PP SLB Hi-pT JRC PPE SSW-rx VME protocol Chikara Fukunaga TGC electronics meeting on 21-June-2002 at CERN

2 TGC electronics meeting at CERN June/2002 2 PP (Patch Panel) ASIC  16 chan. 0.35um VDEC 8/2001→3/2002  32 chan. 0.35um VLDAC (Rohm) 11/2001→4/2002  32 chan. version has been tested and found no analog circuits (lvds, PLL, Test pulse) worked. Upset & Struggle, and we found ….  Miss-connection of I/O pads.  The Analog I/Os have been connected to the digital I/O pads accidentally.  Each digital I/O pad has a digital CMOS buffer. Analog signals are blocked with the threshold of this buffer.  We have corrected already the pad miss-connection, re-submitted on 10- June, and expect to have new one in September (both 16- and 32- chan.)  We have used passport library for analog pads. DLL →PLL

3 TGC electronics meeting at CERN June/2002 3 SLB (Slave Board) ASIC  Version 1 (the first one after the premières ones used for the 2001 Slice test (= version 0)) has been submitted and tested preliminary.  0.35um 10x10mm 2 VLDAC (Rohm) 2/2002→Mid.6/2002  New features  Standard JTAG, JTAG racing problem fixed (cDR < TCK problem)  New connection ordering with Hi-pT ASIC (Adapted to HpT ordering)  Clock distribution optimized (partially manual place and routing)  Clock bi-phase (master & slave) logic applied to PSC and JTAG  32bit ID code  Test results (since only 1 week from delivery)  We have quickly checked the parts in which we had problems in 0-th version.  It would seem that almost all problems (in JTAG and readout) are solved with the above prescriptions.

4 TGC electronics meeting at CERN June/2002 4 Hi-pT ASIC  Version 2 (to be final and fixed for the production )  0.35 um Hitachi Gate Array 12/2001→2/2002  New features (Already reported in the last meeting in 2/2002)  3-bit voting registers for delay control installed (JTAG accessible)  32-bit ID code  Add New ID for No hit  Test results  A few thousands of I/O patterns (generated by the simulation) are checked for both wire and strip, and no problem found  Minor problem → Existence of  value with >3 bits Lowest 5 bits of output data consist of 1 bit for sign ±,1 bit not used, and 3 bits for  Non-used bit is not sent and simply suppressed to reduce the number of fibers.  =-9 is expressed with the 5 bits as 01001, but data are sent as 0_001 (MSB 0 means negative, and _ means no connection) Consequently at the receiver side,  =-9 and  =-1 are not distinguishable.  We plan to install an exterior circuit to deal  3 bits as “No hit”.  We’d like to open PRR for Hi-pT in September 2002, either before or after LECC 2002 at Colmar.

5 TGC electronics meeting at CERN June/2002 5 JRC (JTAG Route Controller) on PS-board  To ASIC from CPLD version used in Slice test 2001  2/2001→1/2002, and JTAG minor problem fixed, 2/2002→5/2002  Now checking PPE (Primary Protocol Encoder for addressed JTAG access) on HSC  Transferred from CPLD to ASIC for radiation tolerance  Now checking SSW-rx (Star Switch Receiver)  Transferred from CPLD to ASIC for radiation tolerance  2/2002→5/2002  We will re-design the ASIC in the next fabrication VME protocol  Transferred from CPLD to ASIC for radiation tolerance  A24D16, VME slave access, no interrupt, no block mode transfer support  Used for both SSW and HpT VME modules  Under designing

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