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“from ” by Jeffrey Kluger.

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1 “from by Jeffrey Kluger

2 Simplexity Making the complex simple
sim·plex’·i·ty sĭm-plěk'sĭ-tē noun  1. Simplifying the complex; to make less complicated; reduce complexity; to simplify a problem.  2. Delivering complex solutions in the simplest way.    sim'plex·i·ca'tion (sĭm-plěk'sĭ kā'shən) n.  Hey, Einstein can you explain relativity with a little more simplexity "Simplexity." Urban Dictionary. McDoublespeak, 9 Apr Web. 22 Feb <

3 “from Simplexity” Jeffrey Kluger
9/11 was one of the most tragic events that has happened in our lifetime. (NY skyline before 9/11)

4 (NY skyline before 9/11)

5 (NY skyline after 9/11)

6 (NY skyline before 9/11)

7 September 11, 2001 Click for video (NY skyline before 9/11)
Click the picture to play the video, explaining the events of this tragic day; Click for video

8 Let’s read “from Simplexity” by Jeffrey Kluger, pages 129-132
Let’s discuss! Read the introduction with students; to line 34. Have students complete the reading and then the questions on their own. Stop class 10 minutes before the before the bell to discuss questions they have finished so far. DAY 2 ( ) – Tell students they will continue reading and answering questions AND introduce the essay assignment. Essays are due on Monday, March 2nd.

9 “from Simplexity” p. 129 Journal Entry How do humans behave in crisis situations and why? What are your own thoughts about how you might react as well as evidence from other real-life events?

10 “from Simplexity” p. 129 P. 134 Analyzing the Text answer questions 1, 2, 5, 6 P. 135 answer all Critical Vocabulary questions P. 135 answer all Vocabulary Strategy: Figurative Meanings

11 Introduction/Thesis Statement
First Effect Evidence and Elaboration Second Effect Third Effect Introduction/Thesis Statement

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