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MESOAMERICAN EMPIRES Olmecs, Mayans, Aztecs, and Incas- The Great Native American Civilizations.

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Presentation on theme: "MESOAMERICAN EMPIRES Olmecs, Mayans, Aztecs, and Incas- The Great Native American Civilizations."— Presentation transcript:

1 MESOAMERICAN EMPIRES Olmecs, Mayans, Aztecs, and Incas- The Great Native American Civilizations

2 Map

3 Geography  The Americas are made up of two continents: North and South America.  Historians call the meeting of these two regions- Middle America.  Middle America or Mesoamerica includes Mexico and Central America.  Many civilizations came about in Mesoamerica.

4 Geography of the Americas  On your map. Label the following locations:  North America  South America  Mexico  Central America  Draw a circle around Mesoamerica

5 Geography of The Americas North America South America MEXICO Central America


7 1. Create a list of things you know about the people from this area based on our first two days in this unit, think back to our stations we saw on the wall and your readings with the sub Stop and Think


9 Olmecs  This is one of the earliest American Civilization that emerged along the Mexican Gulf Coast.  The Olmec Civilization lasted from about 1400 B.C to 500 B.C.  The Olmecs did not build true cities. Instead they built ceremonial centers made up of pyramid-shaped temples and other buildings.

10 Olmecs The most dramatic remains of the Olmec Civilization are the giant carved stone heads found in the ruins of a religious center.


12 1. One of the mysteries of the Olmecs is that the huge heads were found in the middle of the jungle, far away from areas that would have rocks that large. How do you think the Olmecs moved these huge pieces of rock without the technology of carts, or cars that we have today? Stop and Think

13 The important influences of the Olmecs are: Trade- maybe as extensive as to Nicaragua A calendar Carved inscriptions as writing Priestly worship system Ball games Drinking Chocolate Pyramid Building Polished Mirrors Cave paintings

14 The Olmec’s influence  Many believe that the later and more famous Mesoamerica civilizations can be traced back to the Olmecs  We see traces of their culture in their gods, buildings, and goods traded


16 World of the Mayas  The Mayans were among some of the people that were influenced by the Olmecs.  Between A.D 300 and 900, Mayan city-states flourished from the Yucatan in southern Mexico through much of Central America.

17 Maya Farming  Mayan farming methods were very advanced  Farmers cleared dense rain forests and built raised fields that caught and held rain water  The Mayan’s complex farming system produced enough corn or maize, and other crops to support the growing city.  Mayan crops included: Corn, beans, and squash

18 Maya Temples and Palaces  The Mayans built large temples and palaces for social and religious purposes.  There were towering palaces and temples in the largest Mayan city of Tikal.  The temples were places of worship where priests performed religious ceremonies, sacrifices and some were used as burial places for nobles and priests.

19 Mayan temples and Palaces

20 Mayan Advances in Learning  Mayans developed hieroglyphics writing system, which has only been recently deciphered (understood).  The scribes kept their sacred knowledge in books made of a bark.  It is said that they made over 15,000 books, only have 4 survived



23 Maya Hieroglyphs Video 

24 Mayan Advances in Learning Mayan priests needed to measure time accurately in order to hold ceremonies at the correct moment. So priests became expert mathematicians and astronomers. They developed an accurate 365 –day solar calendar. Mayan priests also invented a numbering system and understood the concept of 0.

25 Mayan Calendar

26 Maya Math

27 Stop and Think 1. How would you write the following numbers in Mayan math? 2. 5 3. 1 4. 17 5. 22 6. 37 7. 40 8. 29

28 Mayan decline  About A.D 900, the Mayans abandoned their cities, leaving their great stone palaces and temples to be swallowed up by the Jungle.  Not until modern times have these “lost cities” rediscovered.  No one knows for sure why Mayan civilization declined. Possibly, frequent warfare forced them to abandon their traditional agricultural methods or overpopulation may have led to over farming, which exhausted the soil.  Still, some of Mayan culture has survived and is carried on by the people of Mexico

29 1. What impresses you about the Mayan civilization? Stop and Think

30  Complete your warm up- then take our your notes from last class- write these 3 questions on the back of your note packet:  1. What would people think about our culture if all that was left behind were just our words? What would they think we valued?  2. What were some of the things the Mayans valued as shown by their writings?  3. What is Mayan culture like today?


32 The Aztecs  The Aztecs were an advanced Mesoamerica Empire who lived from the 13 th century to the 15 th century  According to Aztec legend, the gods had told them to search for an eagle perched atop a cactus holding a snake in its beak.  They finally saw the sign on a swampy land Island, known as Lake Texcoco in Central Mexico

33 Aztecs  Once settled, the Aztecs shifted from hunting and farming.  Slowly they built the city Tenochtitlan, on the site of present-day Mexico City.  As the population grew, the Aztecs found creative ways to create more farmland.





38 A visitor describes seeing the city for the first time  And when we saw all those cities and villages built in the water, and other great towns on dry land, and that straight and level causeway leading to Tenochtitlán, we were astounded. These great towns and temples and buildings rising from the water, all made of stone, seemed like an enchanted vision. Indeed, some of our soldiers asked whether it was not all a dream. It was all so wonderful that I do not know how to describe this first glimpse of things never heard of, seen or dreamed of before....

39 Tenochtitlan  Some advancements of the city included:  A population of over 140,000 people  Large and complex temples painted in red and blue  Canals  Large marketplace visited by 50,000 outsiders on market days  Ball Courts  Schools for educating priests  Zoos

40 Aztec Farming  They built Chinampas, artificial Islands made of earth piled on reed mats that were anchored to the shallow lake beds. On these floating gardens, they raised corn, squash and beans.

41 Today in the Middle East the country of Dubai is creating its own fake land as a symbol of their wealth


43 Aztec Religious Beliefs

44  They performed rituals they believed pleased the Aztec gods and prevented droughts or other disasters.  The chief Aztec god was Huitzilopochtli, the sun god.  Huitzilopochtli, the Aztecs believed, battles the forces of darkness each night and was re-born each morning.

45 Aztec Religious Beliefs  To give the sun strength to rise each day, the Aztecs offered the hearts of tens of thousands of victims to the sun god. Most of the victims were prisoners of war.  The Aztecs waged war to use the captured soldiers as a regular source of sacrifice.

46 1. What shocked you most about the Aztec civilization? 2. Why would they believe that human sacrifice would please the gods? Stop and Think


48 The Incas  Pachacuti, a skilled warrior and leader, was the founder of the Incan empire. In 1438, he proclaimed himself Sapa Inca, or emperor, and set out on a policy of conquest. He was also the chief religious leader.  From a small kingdom in Cuzco, he came to dominate a large empire.

49 Inca Government  The Inca Emperor had absolute power over the empire. He was like a god-king who claimed to be descendant of the sun-god.  The Inca ran a very organized government with a chain of command reaching into every village.  To unite the empire, the Incas imposed their own language, Quecha and a religion on its people.

50 Inca Government  They also created one of the great road systems in history.  The roads allowed armies and news to move quickly throughout the empire.  At regular stations, runners waited to carry messages throughout the empire.

51 Incan Technology  To carry messages along their great road system, The Incas developed a system of writing using a series of knots on string.  This system was called Quipu

52 1. Why do you think the Incans used rope instead of another form of writing like stone or wood? Stop and Think

53 Incan Technology  The Inca lived in the mountains of Peru which made farming difficult on the step slopes  The Incas developed a system of farming called terraced farming where they dug into the sides of the mountains to create farmable land

54 More images of Terraced Farming

55 Incan Ruins Today

56 Write this question on the back of your packet and answer as we watch the video  Write down 4 examples of why Tenochtitlan was an advanced city

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