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New Year on 6 continents. The USA 31 st of December New Year ball on the Times Square New Year tree decorated with ornaments of religious nature People.

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Presentation on theme: "New Year on 6 continents. The USA 31 st of December New Year ball on the Times Square New Year tree decorated with ornaments of religious nature People."— Presentation transcript:

1 New Year on 6 continents

2 The USA 31 st of December New Year ball on the Times Square New Year tree decorated with ornaments of religious nature People make NY resolutions

3 Traditional NY food luck bringers Cabbage – brings prosperity Black Eyed Peas – bring luck Cakes and champagne

4 China January 21 st – February 20 th NY festival – dragon and lion dance (longevity and wealth) Houses decorated with firecrackers Red color - joy and happiness

5 Traditional NY food luck bringers Chinese noodles – long life Pelmeny Tangerines – bright and lucky

6 Brasilia 31 st of December Carnival! Fireworks! Dance! Celebration on the beach in white clothes White candles and flowers – gifts for goddess of sea Floating NY tree

7 Egypt 11 th of September Public holiday Festive atmosphere Women in bright colored dresses No alcohol and pork Many sweets

8 Australia 31 st of December NY tree decorated with bears, koalas and kangaroos Picnics on beaches in swimming suits Musical and football festival Go to bed at 00.10 pm

9 Antarctic

10 Happy new Year! Antum salimoun Xin Nian Kuai Le iFeliz Ano Nuevo!

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