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A vascular surgery career: from student to specialist Mr. Patrick Coughlin Consultant Vascular Surgeon.

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Presentation on theme: "A vascular surgery career: from student to specialist Mr. Patrick Coughlin Consultant Vascular Surgeon."— Presentation transcript:

1 A vascular surgery career: from student to specialist Mr. Patrick Coughlin Consultant Vascular Surgeon

2 Objectives  Why vascular surgery?  A personal path  Variety  Surgical advances  Co-morbidity – wont be out of work  How do I go about it?

3 How did I become a vascular surgeon?

4 Analysis Of Sensitivity, Specificity And Positive Predictive Value Of Cold Provocation Thermography In The Objective Diagnosis Of The Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome P.A.Coughlin, I.C. Chetter, P.J.Kent, R.C.Kester St. James ’ s University Hospital, Leeds U.K. Vascular Surgical Society, Hull 1998

5 Traditional Training Student – 5-6 years Pre-Registration House Officer – 1 year Basic Surgical Trainee – 3 years Higher Surgical Trainee – 5-6 years MRCS Exit exam => FRCS CCST Consultant Lecturer Research MD SSC Fellowships

6  Medical School Leeds (1992)  MB ChB (1997)  MRCS Eng (2003)  MD Thesis (Leeds - 2004)  Treatment of poor circulation  FRCS Eng (2009)  Completion of Surgical Training (2010)  Consultant appt (2011)  Leeds  Hull  Perth, WA  London

7 Variety

8 Carotid disease Endarterectomy Stent Thoracic pathology Aneurysms Dissections AV Fistulas / RRT Vasospastic Disease AAA’s Open repair EVAR / Stent Lower limb PAD Endovascular Open Surgical Bypass AV Malformation Management of the diabetic foot Trauma Venous pathologies


10 Surgical Advances Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm

11 History - Aneurysms  Ebers Papyrus (2000 BC)  Traumatic aneurysms of peripheral arteries  Galen (131-203AD)  described an aneurysm as a localised pulsatile swelling that disappeared on pressure and wrote:  “if an aneurysm be wounded, the blood spouted out with so much violence that it can scarcely be arrested.”  Andreas Vesalius 16 th Century Anatomist  First description of AAA

12  John Hunter  Popliteal aneurysm ligation in a beer delivery man (1785)  Astley Cooper  (Pupil of John Hunter’s) described ligation of AAA  Intraluminal wires (1880 – 1930)  Rea 1948  Reactive cellophane around neck and anterolateral surfaces of AAA to induce fibrotic reaction and limit expansion  Albert Einstein treated for symptomatic aneurysm. Survived 6 years before rupture (Nissen). History – Aneurysms (Treatment)

13  Dubost (1951)  First successful abdominal aortic repair  Voorhees (1953)  Substituted Vinyon-N cloth for unreliable homograft  DeBakey  King Edward VIII  Endoaneurysmorrhaphy and intraluminal Dacron graft History – Aneurysms (Treatment)

14 Management of AAA  Open repair  Laparotomy & aortic clamp  Mortality 3-8%  Significant complication list  Prolonged recovery  Herniae & adhesions  No long term follow up needed

15 Wilhelm Konrad Roentgen discovers x-rays in 1895

16 Management of AAA  Endovascular repair  Minimally invasive  Can be LA procedure  Mortality 1-2%  Short recovery  Reduced complication rate

17 Management of AAA  How does EVAR work?

18 Management of AAA  How does EVAR work?

19 Evolving technology  Stents applicability limited by sealing zone  Currently 75% of AAA can be treated with EVAR

20 Evolving technology  Stents applicability limited by sealing zone  Currently 75% of AAA can be treated with EVAR

21 Evolving technology  To increase the landing zone fenestrations can be created

22 Evolving technology  Very extensive AAAs can be treated with longer branched grafts


24 Thoracic aneurysms  Open surgical repair causes significant morbidity and mortality  Needs thoracoabdominal incision  Visceral ischaemia  Spinal cord ischaemia  Significant blood loss  Prolonged ITU stay

25 Thoracic aneurysms




29 Co-morbidity

30 Comorbidity - trends

31 Student to Specialist Vascular Surgery – A New Specialty

32 A New Specialty  New curriculum  New training programme  Open surgery  Endovascular / Interventional Radiology  New exam  Deliver a new type of consultant

33 Student to Specialist Vascular Surgery – A New Competitive Specialty



36 Parodi performs first human AAA stent graft repair in 1991 ? 2007

37 Present (1960 - 2005)  Endoaneurysmorrhaphy with intraluminal graft placement  Endovascular repair  Laporoscopic-assisted AAA repair  AAA thrombosis by Iliac resection & axillobifemoral bypass

38 Intraluminal Wires Thrombosis currents and intraluminal wires Ann Thorac Surg 1999;67:1959-62 1884 Moore 1879 Corradi 1921 Power 1938 Blakemore

39 Cellophane  Rea (1948)  Reactive cellophane around neck and anterolateral surfaces of AAA to induce fibrotic reaction and limit expansion  Albert Einstein treated for symptomatic aneurysm. Survived 6 years before rupture (Nissen).

40 Interposition grafts Carrel 1912 Goyanes 1906 DuBost 1951

41 Artificial graft material  Voorhees et al subsituted Vinyon-N cloth for unreliable homograft (1953)

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