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Injectors & LHC report S. Baird and M. Bernardini on behalf of OSS members 20/09/2013LSC - EN-MEF-OSS1.

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Presentation on theme: "Injectors & LHC report S. Baird and M. Bernardini on behalf of OSS members 20/09/2013LSC - EN-MEF-OSS1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Injectors & LHC report S. Baird and M. Bernardini on behalf of OSS members 20/09/2013LSC - EN-MEF-OSS1

2 AD & LEIR 20/09/2013 LSC - EN-MEF-OSS 2 AD – Girder line 7000, procurement of material in progress, but some delay due to change of material (361 LN instead of 316L for a few chambers). – BHN06: official decision circulated – UHM3107 and UVM3207 tanks : Pumping and leak test in progress – KFI tanks reinstallation expected mid Oct.- final leak tests in progress – Installation of a railing for OD in progress LEIR – Successful brief opening vacuum sector 5 (removal IMP’s) last week. Sectors 1, 2 and 5 in preparation in view of coming bake-out campaign (1/10 until 15/11). – Cleaning campaign - 2 nd phase form next week – Access system - general tests OK Some mechanical issues to fix and then the access point will be officially be put into service (soon).

3 PS In Progress – CV Consolidation program: Cabling work is in progress Ventilation ducts installation – Septum 16 External Shielding program: Pilling work is completed – Cabling campaign Septa and vacuum teams are starting to connect and to test new cables – General equipment maintenance: Instrumentation, vacuum,, Beam Stoppers, (EN/STI) consolidation/maintenance program – PS PSS Safety and Access System installed – Successful test of assembly blocks for the dummy septum (ECR 1307208) – LEIR injection beam line MTV intervention 20/09/2013 LSC - EN-MEF-OSS3

4 SPS BA1: – Installation of new fibre optic systems in progress (foreseen to finish ahead of schedule) – Replacement of safety valves in progress (almost complete) – A few cables still remain to be identified (ongoing) – [Irradiated cabling campaign – beginning of October] TT10: – Installation of the new support beams is postponed to next week (Has now started. See photo) – BA3 and outside the CCC: These 2 areas are currently being cleared and tidied in preparation for the CERN open days at the end of this month. (ongoing) Other works: – EN/CV have begun to refill the main SPS ring-main (Complete) – TE/VSC have started this week to pump down and leak detect all the long sectors of SPS ( started in BA3) – All other works are proceeding on schedule 20/09/2013LSC - EN-MEF-OSS4

5 LHC - P1 R2E – Pt1: – Left: Cabling progressing well – Right: Piping finished Cabling in progress LSS1: – Survey HLS maintenance in progress – DFBX: consolidation of current leads in progress – Upgrade and maintenance of collimator control systems in progress – TCLP installed – Roman Pots removed – BPMCW being installed 20/09/2013LSC - EN-MEF-OSS5

6 LHC – P1  P2 Arc 12 : – UPS replacement in RE 18 and 22 – QRL pumped – Cryo-magnets reconnection being finalized – Electrical tests next week; – SMACC: W bellows opened M openings finished (4 wks ahead of schedule) Point 2 – SU maintenance in progress (no cooled air) – Cryogenic maintenance in progress LSS2 – Preparation for open days – RB24 opening in progress – Maintenance of motorized jacks on ITs finished 20/09/2013LSC - EN-MEF-OSS6

7 LHC - P2  P3 Arc 23 – QRL pumping in progress – Magnet reconnection in progress High voltage electrical tests phase1 performed! – DN200 installed – UPS replacement going on – W bellows openings finished – M opening just started LSS3 – Installation of the cable trays finished – cabling campaign started – BLM re-installed in completed vacuum sub-sectors 20/09/2013LSC - EN-MEF-OSS7

8 LHC - P3  P4 Arc 34 – Magnets reconnection in progress “Plaque de renfort” in place End in November – QRL pumping completed – IC consolidation: W bellows openings started – CRG services modules consolidation finished – New non conformity on nested bellow B13L3 --> to follow 20/09/2013LSC - EN-MEF-OSS8

9 LHC – P4  P5 LSS4 & P4 – Water cooled cables consolidation in progress Ducts are exchanged Work on power converter in progress Rescheduling – Short circuit tests from Oct. 21 st to Nov. 8 th –  UW maintenance postponed to March 2014 – RF maintenance and upgrade Flow meters being re-installed – New cooling tower installation in progress – 13kA & 600 A shall be finished – Thermoswitch installation just started – LSS4L: Works have to stop on Wed 25th for Open days preparation Arc 45 – QRL pumping in progress (50% of overall QRL pumped) – Magnet reconnection in progress (end Nov.) – DN200 started – DFBAI.5L – damaged bellow – Opening starts next week – [QRL compensator replacement in December] 20/09/2013LSC - EN-MEF-OSS9 WCC leak test

10 LHC – P5 LSS5: – Modification of the cabling for TOTEM ongoing – 600A upgrade in progress – Survey finished in 5L, in progress in 5R R2E – P5 – Safe room ventilation: studies being finalized; extension and new hole will be done in coming weeks; – Pipe being installed (ahead of schedule) – UPS replacement finalized – Cable trays installation in progress 20/09/2013LSC - EN-MEF-OSS10 Cable tray installation in UJ56

11 LHC – P5  P6 Arc 56 – New faulty PIM replaced-leak tested beginning Oct. – QRL compensator replacement started – SMACC 11/14 vacuum subsectors consolidation completed; Non conformities being solved W closure stopped (priority to sector 67) – DFBA consolidation in progress 5R ends week 39 DFBAK.6L – damaged bellow – repair to be scheduled 20/09/2013LSC - EN-MEF-OSS11

12 LHC – P6 LSS6 & P6 – MKD-MKB tests on beam1 finished – MKD-MKB upgrade on beam2 in progress – Cabling campaign ongoing – Water cooled cable campaign in progress – priority on DFBAK.6L – 3 TCDQ installed @6R – Lift PM65: Heavy maintenance performed. – LSS6: Works have to stop on Wed 25th for Open days preparation 20/09/2013LSC - EN-MEF-OSS12 No access by PM65 Access by PZ65

13 LHC – P6  P7 Arc 67 – SMACC in progress: Splices completed Shunt being finalized Diodes consolidation in progress W Closure activities in progress DFBA consolidation – 6R ends next week – 7L ends wk. 40 R2E – P7: – ODH and firedetection systems installed– tests done and ok – Fireproof racks tranported in TZ76 (storage) – Supports for fireproof racks installed 20/09/2013LSC - EN-MEF-OSS13 Fireproof racks and supports in TZ76 Insulation boxes; resin injection

14 LHC - P7  P8 Arc 78 – Magnet reconnection finished (except Q5L8) – Splice consolidation in progress Splices in progress (almost finished) Shunt installation in progress (~50% ) Diodes started DFBA consolidation shall end wks 43 – QRL X-rays in progress: only 1/301 inspected compensators found deformed on overall QRL LSS8 &P8 – Survey maintenance from next week – 1 st MKI re-installed R2E - P8 – Ventilation control scheduled in October – Cryo and cabling in progress 20/09/2013LSC - EN-MEF-OSS14

15 LHC – arc 81 Arc 81 - SMACC -DFBA consolidation (ends end Nov.) -Splices activities started (desolder) -QRL compensator being replaced -Vacuum consolidation from next week 20/09/2013LSC - EN-MEF-OSS15

16 Overall progress Injectors: – PSB: issue on dump line- to follow LHC – R2E – Ahead of schedule at P1- P5&P7&P8:On schedule – SMACC ~ 3 weeks of delay – QRL: no new deformed compensator; 50% pumped – Additional works QRL compensator exchange – scheduled – in progress DFBA bellow repair – to be scheduled – technical solution to be defined Open days – LHC6 and LHC4, work have to stop in LSS from Wed. night 20/09/2013LSC - EN-MEF-OSS16

17 LHC Overall Schedule – broken line 20/09/2013LSC - EN-MEF-OSS17

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