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Haitian Revolution. Two Stories End of Slavery Pain of Haiti.

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Presentation on theme: "Haitian Revolution. Two Stories End of Slavery Pain of Haiti."— Presentation transcript:

1 Haitian Revolution

2 Two Stories End of Slavery Pain of Haiti


4 2010 Earthquake

5 Haiti in Context Haiti v. Dominican Republic GDP –13.2 billion v. 100 billion Per capita – 1,300$ v. 9,300$ Unemployment – 41% v. 14.7% Poverty – 80% v. 34% Literacy – 53% v. 90%

6 Haiti in Context How did Haiti become the first free island in the Caribbean but is now one of the poorest?

7 Haiti in Context How is the history of Haiti also the history of Slavery?

8 French Colonies

9 Trade with Native Americans

10 French Colonies Slavery and Plantations

11 French Slavery

12 1660s - Focused on Caribbean Coffee and Sugar plantations

13 French Slavery Three Tier System White Slavers – 32,000 Free Blacks – 28,000 Africans – 452,000

14 French Slavery White Slavers Almost all men Wealthy lineages Want to establish their own country

15 French Slavery Free Blacks Children of slave owners Educated and often Slave owners

16 French Slavery African Slaves High rate of death means constant influx Create shared language (Creole) and religion (Voudou)

17 Colonialism France very dependent on wealth from Haiti White Haitians want independence Constant tension 1665-1789

18 Colonialism Upper class of France becoming very rich But government was bankrupted by wars with England 1665-1789

19 Revolution 1789

20 Revolution 1789

21 1791-1794 Freed black population & slaves band together to fight white slave holders Revolution

22 1794 All slavery is banned throughout France and its colonies Emancipation

23 1794 All slavery is banned throughout France and its colonies Emancipation

24 1794-1801 French in conflict with Spain and England Conflict spills onto Haiti Free under France

25 1801-1804 Napoleon is in power and focused on wars in Europe Former slaves push out all French forces Freedom from France

26 1801-1804 "For our declaration of independence, we should have the skin of a white man for parchment, his skull for an inkwell, his blood for ink, and a bayonet for a pen!"

27 Moral Challenges Slaughter of white men, women, children, and elderly shocks Americans and Europeans Lack of sympathy for Haiti on world stage Haitian constitution bans whites from owning property – insures no outside investment

28 Economic Failure Haiti is free, but French embargos cripple its economy Almost 10% of young men pulled into the defense of the island – not enough people to work Have to pay huge reparations to slave- holders to lift embargo (40$ Billion)

29 Political Victory France is first major world power to ban slavery (1794) Denmark-Norway stop slave ships (1803) Britain bans slave trade (1807), and eventually slavery (1833) Spain abolishes slavery (1810)

30 Political Victory Common myth that Enlightenment, Revolution and Emancipation go together Ignores the sacrifices of revolutionaries like those in Haiti

31 Long Term Effects Defeat hurts Napoleon’s dreams of French Empire To finance wars he makes the Louisiana Purchase deal with America America doubles in size

32 Long Term Effects White slave holders retreat to American South (Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama) Southern states form coalition to continue slaving until Civil War (1865)

33 Two Stories End of Slavery Pain of Haiti

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