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LEGACY OF WWII. END OF THE WAR  War in Europe ends May 8, 1945  War in the Pacific ends September 2, 1945.

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2 END OF THE WAR  War in Europe ends May 8, 1945  War in the Pacific ends September 2, 1945


4 OCCUPATION & REBUILDING  The United States occupied Japan for several years following the end of WWII to help recover Japan’s economy.  Most of Europe was destroyed by WWII and the economies of European countries were in need of help.  The U.S. would remain in Europe to help get countries back on their feet.

5 MARSHALL PLAN  Secretary of State, George C. Marshall, developed a plan to help Europe recover and rebuild after the war. Over $13 billion was given to the nations of Europe. Money was especially given to nations that pledged to reject communism. George C. Marshall

6 AT HOME  After the soldiers returned from war, they and the country faced several issues  Job availability and educational needs  Lack of housing  In 1944, President Roosevelt passed the G.I. Bill of Rights, which provided money for education and other living expenses for returning veterans

7 BOUNDARY CHANGES IN EUROPE  After the end of the war a conference was held in Potsdam, Germany to set up peace treaties.  The countries that fought with Hitler lost territory and had to pay reparations to the Allies.  Germany and its capital, Berlin, were divided into four parts. The zones were to be controlled by Great Britain, the United States, France and the Soviet Union.



10 RISE OF COMMUNISM  Many nations after the war were economically in ruin, which led to social changes. As a result, many countries turned to communism to repair the damage done to their country during WWII.  Communism is an economic system where the government controls all areas of the economy. There is no private ownership. Soviet Union FlagChinese Flag

11 DEMOCRACY V. COMMUNISM NATOWARSAW PACT  Military alliance created by the United States for countries in Western Europe  Wanted to prevent the spread of communism  Soviet’s response to NATO  Military alliance for eight countries in Eastern Europe  Served as a mutual defense organization

12 UNITED NATIONS  The United Nations (UN) was an organization of several countries. The member nations would work together to solve their differences and keep the peace. UN Headquarters - NYCUN Flag

13 ATOMIC AGE  The Atomic Age began after the atomic bombs were tested and dropped in WWII and lasted throughout the Cold War.  The United States and the Soviet Union were competing with each other to be the most powerful nations in the world. To do this, both countries began stockpiling nuclear weapons and competing with each other in technology.

14 THE “FINAL SOLUTION”  The Final Solution was the German’s attempt to cover up war crimes of the Holocaust by eliminating the Jewish people.  Jews and other people from select groups were isolated and sent to concentration camps, were starved, and most were executed.  The Final Solution was a regional genocide.  Killed about 6 million Jews, or 2/3 of Jews in Europe

15 NUREMBURG TRIALS  After the Potsdam Conference, the Allies decided to put German war criminals on trial at Nuremburg, Germany.  The defendants included some of Hitler's top officials. They were charged with crimes against humanity for the Nazi’s murder of millions of people in the Holocaust.

16 CREATION OF ISRAEL  In response to the Holocaust, the UN created the state of Israel in 1948 as a homeland for Jews in Palestine.  Many Arabs living in Palestine and other neighboring Arab countries joined the Palestinians in their opposition to Israel. This led to a series of wars between Israel and several Arab countries in the Middle East.



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