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ELA teachers PD may 12, 2010 Jorge Garcia (this slide added for topic data– not part of presentation)

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1 ELA teachers PD may 12, 2010 Jorge Garcia (this slide added for topic data– not part of presentation)

2 Assessment Terminology Raw Score = number of items answered correctly plus number of points earned on rubrics Scale Score = converted from raw score and item difficulty based on a range from 001 – 999

3 Assessment Terminology Proficiency Level = interpreted (socially derived) score based on definitions and cut scores Proficiency Index = First number is proficiency level, second number is how far the score is from both ends of the range (2.5 is one halfway between 2 & 3)

4 Assessment Terminology Proficiency Index: the same scale score is interpreted differently based on the grade level and on the construct (L,S,R,W) Proficiency Index: the same proficiency level score corresponds to different scale scores based on the grade level and construct

5 Assessment Terminology When comparing performance especially when monitoring change over time, the best measure to use is the Scale Score.

6 Scale Scores Over Time


8 Coming Soon… New Standards New Standards New Assessment New Assessment New Curriculum New Curriculum

9 Five Year Plan 2010-2011Inventory 2010-2011Inventory 2011-2012Investigate 2011-2012Investigate 2012-2013Evaluate/Purchase 2012-2013Evaluate/Purchase 2013-2014Train & Implement 2013-2014Train & Implement 2014-2015Implement & Train 2014-2015Implement & Train

10 Five Year Plan Year One 2010-2011Inventory Survey staff, conduct needs analysis Inventory existing materials and current practices Review research Unpack Standards

11 Five Year Plan Year Two 2011-2012Investigate Review data: local, state, federal to find strengths and gaps Review Assessments Find and/or create scope and sequence Integrate technology

12 Five Year Plan Year Three 2012-2013Evaluate/Purchase Create Curriculum Maps Create Common Assessments (formative) Review materials Display materials for community, staff, and students, gather input Purchase materials

13 Five Year Plan Year Four 2013-2014Train & Implement Train on new materials Teach new curriculum Review curriculum and materials for adjustments

14 Five Year Plan Year Five 2014-2015Implement & Train Teach new curriculum Review curriculum and materials for adjustments Train on new materials and curriculum

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