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InSAI American Student Achievement Institute FORMING  Desire to be accepted  Controversy avoided  Serious issues & feelings avoided  Focus on organizational.

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Presentation on theme: "InSAI American Student Achievement Institute FORMING  Desire to be accepted  Controversy avoided  Serious issues & feelings avoided  Focus on organizational."— Presentation transcript:


2 InSAI American Student Achievement Institute

3 FORMING  Desire to be accepted  Controversy avoided  Serious issues & feelings avoided  Focus on organizational structure  People gathering impressions about: - each other -the task  Not much “real” work gets done American Student Achievement Institute

4 STORMING  Important issues start to be addressed  Confrontations about: -task -roles and responsibilities  Conflict may be suppressed (culture)  Some may feel uncomfortable  Energy focused on conflicts American Student Achievement Institute

5 NORMING  Group rules established  Group task(s) clear  Group members appreciate each other  Group members willing to listen to each other  Willingness to change pre-conceived notions  Fear that change will force group back to the “storming” stage American Student Achievement Institute

6 PERFORMING  Trust high  Independent activity  Group identify, loyalty, & morale high  Comfort high  Roles change seamlessly according to task  Energy focused on the task(s) American Student Achievement Institute

7 ADJOURNING  Task completed  Group adjourns  Sadness  “Deforming and Mourning” InSAI:VISION NEVER REACHED TASK NEVER COMPLETED American Student Achievement Institute


9 CAUSE OF CONFLICT  Glitch in the communication process SOLUTION: Structured Communication Outline American Student Achievement Institute

10 STEP 1  Agree to solve the problem American Student Achievement Institute

11 STEP 2  Both sides of the story 1.Each person talks: Problem: I feel... when... Goal: I want... because... 2.Check for understanding: Problem: You feel... When... Goal: You want... Because... American Student Achievement Institute

12 STEP 3  Create solutions American Student Achievement Institute BRAINSTORM Person 1: My ideas to help the problem: 2 things I could do 2 other things Person 2: My ideas to help the problem: 2 things I could do 2 other things

13 STEP 4  Decide on a plan Look for a win-win Make sure both people agree to the plan American Student Achievement Institute

14 The Steering Team Promise

15 InSAI American Student Achievement Institute

16 BRUCE W. TUCKMAN  Educational psychologist (Princeton)  1965 Developmental Sequence in Small Groups Four stages  1977 Stages of Small Group Development Fifth stage  FORMING – STORMING – NORMING – PERFORMING – ADJOURNING Tuckman, B. (1965) Developmental Sequence in Small Groups. Psychological Bulletin, 63, 384-399. Tuckman, B. & Jensen, M. (1977) Stages of Small Group Development. Group and Organizational Studies, 2, 419-427. American Student Achievement Institute

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