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1 Standard 3.02 Business Documents: Research Reports and Supporting Documents.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Standard 3.02 Business Documents: Research Reports and Supporting Documents."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Standard 3.02 Business Documents: Research Reports and Supporting Documents

2 2 Research Report (MLA) What is a Research Report? It is a multi-page document that usually contains several sub-topics/sub headings of information related to one main topic. Example A marketing research report summarizing the supply and demand statistics for a new product.

3 3 Research Report: Components/Title Page Components of a Research Report: Title page : includes the following: The name of the document The writer’s name The teacher/professor’s name The date of publication

4 Formatting an Research Report Margins: TM 2 inches on first page only TM 1 inch on all subsequent pages LM/RM/BM 1 inch The body of the report is double- spaced (DS) 4

5 Formatting a Research Report (Continued) Sub- topics/side headings: Help the reader to follow the organization of the report. Initial Caps; underlined Centered or on the left margin 5

6 6 Research Report: Components (Continued) The Title includes the identifying information and is keyed in the top of the Report. Main Title Format: Bold, All CAPS, Centered DS Secondary Title: Bold, Initial Caps, Centered DS

7 7 Research Report: Components (Continued) A Header is placed on every page of the report and includes: The writer’s last name The page number

8 8 Research Report: Components (Continued) The Body of the Report is the content (the paragraphs). Parenthetical citations are reference notes keyed in the body of the report.

9 9 Research Report: Components (Continued) Endnotes/Footnotes: Endnotes and Footnotes are another type of reference format used in reports. Use only when necessary to add commentary or to clarify. References are used to cite a source

10 10 Research Report: Components (Continued) A Bibliography is: A complete listing of references keyed alphabetically by author’s last name. It is keyed on a separate page The bibliography is the last page of the report.

11 Bibliography Format (Continued) Formatting: Center the title; ALL CAPS; QS between the title and the first entry Hanging Indent format. SS entries; DS between entries Alphabetize entries by author’s last name 11

12 12 Table of Contents (TOC) A Table of Contents is: used to accompany a report, document, or manuscript to list the topics and sub-topics in the order in which they occur. Example of use of a TOC: Chronological listing with page numbers of contents of an accompanying research report

13 13 Table of Contents (TOC) (continued) Components (in order) a. Table of Contents (title) b. List of topics and subtopics and their respective page numbers c. Page number - in Roman Numeral style at the bottom of the page

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