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Writing a Research Paper Workshop 4 in Holt Literature.

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1 Writing a Research Paper Workshop 4 in Holt Literature

2 Step 1 Choose and narrow a subject Example: Earthquakes is a broad subject. Narrow your subject to the cause and effects of earthquakes.

3 Step 2 Determine purpose and what you want to cover. Your purpose is to inform the reader on a given topic. Research begins with questions. What do you want to know about your topic? Create a KWL chart. Choose 5-7 questions that can be answered in body paragraphs.

4 Step 3 Informal Outline (7-9 paragraphs) Introduction 5-7 body paragraphs Conclusion Each body paragraph should introduce the answers to your questions and thoroughly elaborate on each point. See example provided

5 Step 4 Sources Sources that can be used to cite information: Books Encyclopedias Web pages Periodicals Films Speakers You must use 3 different types of sources.

6 Step 5 Take Notes Take notes on paper or notecards. Summarize Paraphrase Quote. If you want to quote an author, you must cite the source. Plagiarized papers will not receive credit!!!

7 Step 6 Create a Thesis/Formalize your Outline Write a thesis statement that specifically identifies the topic and all major points that are covered in the report. This generally should be placed at the end of the introductory paragraph. Rewrite or add specific information from your notes to your formal outline. See example provided.

8 Step 7 Rough Draft Using your formal outline write a complete rough draft. Focus on writing the information down in an organized manner. Use transitions and vivid word choice to make your points clear.

9 Step 8 Edit Reread multiple times. Check the following: spelling grammar punctuation capitalization format sentence structure

10 Step 9 Final Draft Type 0r Write your research report in cursive. Be sure to double space. Use Arial or Times New Roman font in 12. Do not skip extra space between paragraphs. Give your paper a title and proper heading.

11 Step 10 Bibliography The last page of your report must be a bibliography. This is the page where you list all sources used in your paper. Follow the format on page 589 in your English textbook. You can also us the following website:

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