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Welcome to St. Joan of Arc Class! Meet the Teacher Mrs. McBride September 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to St. Joan of Arc Class! Meet the Teacher Mrs. McBride September 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to St. Joan of Arc Class! Meet the Teacher Mrs. McBride September 2015

2 Agenda Routines Subjects Important info [Homework, Spellings, etc.] Your questions

3 Routines Monday New Spellings Tuesday PE Wednesday New Tables and Tables Test Thursday Friday Spelling Test PE

4 Literacy oChildren are set reading and writing objectives to be achieved over the year oIn year 2 we use Language and Literacy to support the children in acquiring the necessary skills to meet these objectives. oThis follows on from Read, Write, Inc that the children accessed in Reception and Year 1

5 Maths Maths Makes Sense Our Rationale for MMS: To enable a consistent approach to a deep understanding and use of maths now and in their future by providing: concrete experiences active learning multi-sensory and inclusive approach We are preparing and developing children’s mathematical ability that develops life skills with improved subject knowledge and understanding.

6 Maths Maths Makes Sense It is a: Consistent whole school approach Learning system Concrete objects, exaggerated actions, special vocabulary = combine to mimic abstract mathematics ‘Mastery’ curriculum (particularly in 4 operations) – new NC Crafted progress (no ad hoc teaching) Fluency, reasoning and problem solving (new NC)

7 Connector London

8 Science Animals including Humans Materials

9 ICT Children will learn how to safely access our class blog We will be looking at how to stay safe online Coding and Programming – Using Scratch to control movement and sound

10 PE PE lessons take place twice a week Focus will be on different movement techniques and enhancing coordination skills This will be taught through individual and team tasks/games

11 Art and DT The children will be studying the work of Stephen Wiltshire in order to sketch their own London skyline We will also be looking in depth at Tower Bridge and the children will make their own model including a working mechanism

12 History and Geography We will study the history of London and find out about the lives of famous people such as Florence Nightingale The children will compare London to our local area including using geographic terms such as rural

13 French Introduced into Year 2 for the first time Children will learn basic words and phrases

14 Behaviour High expectations! Good to be Green Golden rules Class rules Class reward – Bead pot

15 Important Information Two homework projects set each term – more details on the newsletter Spellings are set each week as part of our literacy lesson Monday: Children are taught the spelling rule/pattern Tuesday – Thursday: Children are set tasks to practice their spellings Friday: Children are tested on their spellings Tables/Mental Maths task set each week Task is based on our MMS lessons/Times tables Set on Wednesday and tested the next week.

16 Your questions… You can ask these in private if you’d rather!

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