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ASVAB Ally Weihe CNS 736 Assessments 11/12/14. Sample Questions 1. General Science Air is less dense than water because: A. It is lighter. B. Its molecules.

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Presentation on theme: "ASVAB Ally Weihe CNS 736 Assessments 11/12/14. Sample Questions 1. General Science Air is less dense than water because: A. It is lighter. B. Its molecules."— Presentation transcript:

1 ASVAB Ally Weihe CNS 736 Assessments 11/12/14

2 Sample Questions 1. General Science Air is less dense than water because: A. It is lighter. B. Its molecules are further apart. C. Its molecules are closer together. D. It moves more quickly and easily.

3 Sample Questions 2. Shop Information Sanding blocks are used to A. prevent high spots and ridges on sanded surfaces. B. prevent dirt from collecting on the sandpaper. C. stretch the length of the sandpaper. D. prolong the use of the sandpaper.

4 Sample Questions 3. Word Knowledge Antagonize most nearly means A. embarrass. B. struggle. C. provoke. D. worship.

5 Sample Questions 4. Assembling Objects Which figure above best shows how the objects in the left box will touch if the letters for each object are matched?

6 Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery Predictive Aptitude Test Sophomores - Seniors Lineage traced back to 1917 ASVAB first used in 1968 Latest Edition: Defense Manpower Data Center (2006) More than 1 Million take the test annually Both paper-and-pencil (P&P-ASVAB) and computerized (CAT-ASVAB) versions given

7 TitleAbbreviationSkill Measured Arithmetic ReasoningARAbility to Solve Basic Arithmetic Word Problems Auto and Shop InformationASKnowledge of Auto Maintenance and Repair Electric InformationEIKnowledge of Electric Current, Circuits, Devices, and Electronic Systems General ScienceGSKnowledge of Life Science, Earth and Space Science, and Physical Science Mechanical ComprehensionMCKnowledge of the Principles of Mechanical Devices, Structural Support, and Properties of Materials Mathematical KnowledgeMKKnowledge of Mathematical Concepts and Applications Paragraph ComprehensionPCAbility to Obtain Information from Written Material Word KnowledgeWKAbility to Understand the Meaning of Words Through Synonyms Assembling ObjectsAOAbility to Determine How an Object will Look When Its Parts are Put Together

8 Scoring 1-99 Armed Forces Qualification Test (AFQT) Word Knowledge Paragraph Comprehension Mathematical Knowledge Arithmetic Reasoning Threshold scores for each branch: Army: 31 Navy: 35 Air Force: 36 Marine Corps: 32 Coast Guard: 40 For career and predictive job purposes, remainder of subtests used Score can be used for 2 years See Sample Score Report

9 ASVAB Career Exploration Program Career education program meant to teach career exploration skills for entry into the workforce and for continued career development. Exploring Careers: The ASVAB Career Exploration Guide Guide for Counselors Resources and Career Planning Guides Career Inventories Course Planner

10 Psychometrics 2006 – Major update to ASVAB for Introduction of CAT- ASVAB First widely used test to use adaptive computerized form 2,090 Navy Recruits Reliability.86 and.84 for CAT-ASVAB and P&P-ASVAB, respectively, on first- time use, in Paragraph Comprehension Norming Gender, race, years of education

11 Reliability and Validity Overall, thought of as very reliable test Reliability.86 and.84 for CAT-ASVAB and P&P-ASVAB, respectively, on first- time use, in Paragraph Comprehension Validity 2006 Technical Bulletin – measures same traits with equal or greater efficacy Predictive Measures still questioned

12 Reliable Predictor for Specific Subtest Maj Grant et al. (2012) ASVAB Skilled Technical (ST) score served as a reliable predictor for first-attempt completion of the 68D (Operating Room Specialist) course. **ST = GS + MK + MC + VE Sample Size: 373 Found “increasing minimum ST score requirement in admission guidelines and/or specific preventive assistance for lower-ranked students may decrease first-attempt failure rate” (Grant et al., 2012) ASVAB ST score may not be the best indicator for all success

13 How Can This Be Used by a Counselor? Greater in-depth understanding and interpretation of scores for students Open career possibilities, either within military or outside Use Career Exploration for lessons

14 Strengths Strong Reliability Multiple Uses Free to take! Taken Multiple Times

15 What Limitations Does this Incur? Gender CAT-ASVAB vs. P&P-ASVAB Scoring can be difficult to understand Predictive Measures Low Minimum Score If raised, not enough would be available for certain jobs Quantity vs. Quality?

16 References ASVAB Fact Sheet (n.d.) in Official ASVAB. Retrieved from www.official- ASVAB Summary Report (2006). Retrieved from Baker, H.E. (2002). Reducing Adolescent Career Indecision: The ASVAB career exploration program. The Career Development Quarterly. 50, 359-370. Carretta, T.R. & King, R.E. (2008). USAF Enlisted Air Traffic Controller Selection: Examination of the predictive validity of the FAA air traffic seletion and training battery versus training performance. Federal Aviation Administration. Washington, DC. Defense Manpower Data Center (2006). CAT-ASVAB forms 1 & 2 (Technical Bulletin No. 1). Seaside, CA: Author. Grant, J. Vargas, A.L.Holcek, R.A. Watson, C.H. Grant, J.A. & Kim, F.S. (2012). Is the ASVAB ST Composite Score a Reliable Predictor of First-Attempt Graduation for the U.S. Army Operating Room Specialist Course? Military Medicine. 177, 1352-1358. Laurence, J.H. Wall, J.E. Barnes, J.D., & Dela Rosa, M. Recruiting Effectiveness of the ASVAB Career Exploration Program. Military Psychology, Vol 10(4), 1998, 225-238. Palmer, D.R. & Busciglio, H.H. (1996). Coaching on the ASVAB: Analysis of posttest questionnaire responses. Military Psychology, 8(4), 267-278. Wise, L. Welsh. J. Grafton. F. Foley. P. Earles, J. Sawin, L. & Divgi, D.R. (1992). Sensitivity and Fairness of the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery Technical Composites.

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