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Chapter 11 Motion. Section 11-2 Motion II. Speed and Velocity A. Speed Measurements involve distance and time. : Speed describes how fast an object moves.

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1 Chapter 11 Motion

2 Section 11-2 Motion

3 II. Speed and Velocity A. Speed Measurements involve distance and time. : Speed describes how fast an object moves. : To find speed, you must measure 2 quantities: 1. Distance traveled by an object miles, meters, feet, etc 2. Time it takes to travel that distance seconds, minutes, hours, etc. : The units for speed are distance/time : m/s or km/h or mi/h

4 II. Speed and Velocity B. Constant Speed is the simplest type of motion. : Constant Speed: when an object covers equal distances in equal amounts of time. : If a race car has a constant speed of 96 m/s, the car travels 96 m every second.

5 II. Speed and Velocity C. Speed can be determined from a distance-time graph. : We can see the relationship between distance, time, and speed by plotting a distance-time graph. : Time is on the X-Axis and distance is on the Y-Axis. : Speed can also be found by calculating the slope of a line. slope = rise = d 2 – d 1 = speed runt 2 – t 1 time distance

6 II. Speed and Velocity D. Speed is Calculated as Distance Divided by Time. : Most objects do not move with constant speed. : “Average” Speed is simply the distance covered by an Object divided by the time. : Speed = (distance) / (time) or.. s = d/t

7 II. Speed and Velocity :Example… Suppose a wheelchair racer finishes a 132m race in 18seconds. What is the speed? s = ?d = 132mt = 18s s = ds = 132 t 18 s = 7.3 m/s The racer’s average speed is 7.3 m/s. The racer’s speed may have been faster or slower at different intervals of the race.

8 II. Speed and Velocity E. Velocity describes both speed and direction. : Sometimes describing the speed of an object is not enough. You may also need to know the direction in which the object is moving. : Velocity describes both speed and direction. : Direction can be—North, South, East, West of some point, or specify the angle from a fixed line. It can also be positive or negative in the line of motion.

9 Example Problems 1. A glacier moved 89m per day down the valley. Find the glacier’s velocity in m/s. v = ? d = 89m t = 1day x 24h= 24hr 24hr x 3600 = 86,400s v = dv = 89 t 86400 v = 0.0010 m/s down the valley

10 Example Problems 2. Find the velocity in meters per second of a swimmer who swims exactly 110m toward the shore in 72s. v = ? d = 110m t = 72s v = dv = 110 t 72 v = 1.5 m/s towards the shore

11 Example Problems 3. Find the velocity in meters per second of a baseball thrown 38m from third to first base in 1.7s. v = ? d = 38m t = 1.7s v = dv = 38 t 1.7 v = 22.35 m/s from third to first base

12 Example Problems 4. Calculate the distance in meters a cyclist would travel in 5 hours at an average velocity of 12 km/h to the southwest. d = ? v = 12km/h / 3.6= 3.33m/s t = 5h x 3600 = 18,000s d = tvd = (18,000s)(3.33m/s) d = 59940m

13 Example Problems 5. Calculate the time in seconds an Olympic skier would take to finish a 2.6km race at an average velocity of 28m/s downhill. v = 28m/s d = 2.6km x 1000= 2600m t = ? t = dt = 2600 v 28 t = 92.86s

14 Section 11-3 Acceleration

15 II.Acceleration A. Acceleration is any change in velocity. : To find acceleration of an object moving in a straight line, we need to measure the object’s velocity at different times. : Acceleration can be calculated by dividing the change in the object’s velocity by the time in which the change occurs. : Units are in m/s 2.

16 Acceleration = final velocity-initial velocity time or.. a = v f – v i t : What does an acceleration value tell you????? -If the acceleration has a greater value, the object is speeding up more rapidly. : When you press on the gas pedal in a car, you speed up and your acceleration is in the direction of the car’s motion (positive). : When you press on the brake pedal, your acceleration is opposite to the direction of motion (negative) and you slow down.

17 Examples: 1) Natalie accelerates her skateboard along a straight path from 0m/s to 4m/s in 2.5s. Find her acceleration. v i = v f = a = t = a = v f – v i t 0 m/s 4 m/s ? 2.5 s a = 4 – 0 2.5 a = 1.6 m/s 2 a = 4 2.5

18 Examples: 2) A turtle swimming in a straight line toward shore has a speed of 0.5m/s. After 4s, its speed is 0.80m/s. What is the turtle’s acceleration? v i = v f = a = t = a = v f – v i t 0.5 m/s 0.80 m/s ? 4 s a = 0.80 – 0.5 4 a = 0.075 m/s 2 a = 0.3 4

19 Examples: 3) Find the acceleration of a subway train that slows down from 12m/s to 9.6m/s in 0.8s. v i = v f = a = t = a = v f – v i t 12 m/s 9.6 m/s ? 0.8 s a = 9.6 – 12 0.8 a = -3 m/s 2 negative because slowing down! a = – 2.4 0.8

20 Examples: 4) Marisa’s car accelerates at a rate of 2.6m/s 2. Calculate how long it takes her car to accelerate from 24.6 m/s to 26.8 m/s. v i = v f = a = t = t = v f – v i a 24.6 m/s 26.8 m/s 2.6 m/s 2 ? t = 26.8 – 24.6 2.6 t = 0.846 s t = 2.2 2.6

21 Examples: 5) A bicycle travels at a constant velocity of 4.5m/s, and then speeds up with an acceleration of 2.3 m/s 2. Calculate the bicycle’s speed after accelerating for 5.0s. v i = v f = a = t = 4.5 m/s ? 2.3 m/s 2 5.0 s Vf = at + vi Vf = (2.3 x 5) + 4.5 v f = 16 m/s v f = 11.5 + 4.5

22 III. Velocity-Time Plots : Just as the slope of a distance-time plot tells you the speed, the slope of a velocity-time plot will tell you the acceleration. : Slope = rise = v 2 – v 1 = acceleration run t 2 – t 1 : If there is a positive slope, the object is speeding up. : If there is a negative slope, the object is slowing down. : If the slope is zero (a horizontal line), the object is moving at a constant velocity (or at rest). : When the plot is a straight line, then they change in velocity (the acceleration) is constant. This means that it changes by the same amount each second.

23 IV. Other useful relationships : Already know: 1) v = d2) a = v f – v o t t : The v in equation 1) is average velocity, you can write it as 3) v f + v o = d 2 t : By combining 2) and 3), you get 4) 2ad = v f 2 – v o 2 : By combining 2) and 4), you get 5) d = v o t + ½ at 2

24 Put on your equation sheet These equations (after a little rearranging) are: no d equationv f - v o = at no a equation2d = v f + v o t no t equation2ad = v f 2 – v o 2 no v f equationd = v o t + ½ at 2

25 Examples: 1) A car is traveling at a speed of 16m/s for a time of 180s. How far has it traveled if the car accelerates at a rate of 0.5m/s 2 ? v o = v f = a = t = d = 16 m/s 0.5 m/s 2 180 s ? no v f equation d = v o t + ½ at 2 d = (16)(180) + ½ (0.5)(180) 2 d = 2880 + 8100 d = 10,980m

26 Examples: 2) A car starts from rest and accelerates at a rate of 4.5m/s2. How long does it take it to reach a speed of 60m/s? v o = v f = a = t = d = no d equation v f - v o = at 60 - 0 = (4.5)t 60 = 4.5t t = 13.3 s 0 m/s 4.5 m/s 2 ? 60 m/s

27 Examples: 3) A truck skids to a stop at a rate of -0.9m/s2. How fast was it originally traveling if it traveled 100m while stopping? v o = v f = a = t = d = no t equation 2ad = v f 2 – v o 2 2(-0.9)(100) = 0 2 – v o 2 -180 = 0 – v o 2 v o = 13.4 m/s ? - 0.9 m/s 2 100 m 0 m/s v o 2 = 180

28 Examples: 4) A car can go from 0mi/h to 60mi/h in 5s. How far does it travel in this amount of time? v o = v f = a = t = d = no a equation 2d = v f + v o t 2d = 60 + 0 0.00139 d = 0.042 mi 0 mi/h 5 s = 0.00139 h ? 60 mi/h 2d = 60 0.00139 2d = 0.083

29 Chapter Summary The average speed of an object is defined as the distance the object travels divided by the time of travel. The distance-time graph of an object moving at constant speed is a straight line. The slope of the line is the object’s speed. The SI unit for speed is meters per second, (m/s). The velocity of an object consists of both its speed and the direction of motion.

30 Acceleration is a change in the velocity of an object. An object accelerates when it speeds up, slows down, or changes direction. Acceleration is caused by a force. For straight line motion, average acceleration as defined as the change in an object’s velocity per unit of time. The SI unit for acceleration is meters per second squared, (m/s 2 ).

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