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Short-Term and Daily Lesson Planning – Part II Brandl (2007)

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Presentation on theme: "Short-Term and Daily Lesson Planning – Part II Brandl (2007)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Short-Term and Daily Lesson Planning – Part II Brandl (2007)

2 Rationale & homework  What is your rationale? Make it known to the students if/when trying something new (open communication)  Homework should be an extension of the classroom, consist of activities that are time-consuming to do in class, but should also include activities that are meaningful and communicative

3 How to lesson plan  1. specify objectives  2. select learning activities  3. organize learning activities  4. specify methods of evaluation  P. 54 – the top-down approach

4 Understanding goals and learning objectives  Observable outcome  Measurable or assessable  Avoid expressions such as “will study, will learn about, etc.”  See learning objectives – verb list

5 The process-oriented objective  Includes objectives regarding nonlinguistic or unobservable achievements  Culture, critical thinking, literary appreciation

6 Final thoughts  An educator is like a mechanic. She needs a variety of tools at her disposal and needs to be able to use them when the situation calls.  Also, a good mechanic can use different tools for the same situations (butter knife screwdriver)

7 Objectives  Pick 4 objectives from p. 65. Pick two that need revision and revise them. Pick two that are good examples to share with the class.

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