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Discussion (2 entries) AZ1: Koushik Mamidala (Varsity) AZ2: Tejesh Bhimavarapu (Varsity) Extemporaneous Reading (1 entries) AZ10: Sithara Sunny (Varsity)

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Presentation on theme: "Discussion (2 entries) AZ1: Koushik Mamidala (Varsity) AZ2: Tejesh Bhimavarapu (Varsity) Extemporaneous Reading (1 entries) AZ10: Sithara Sunny (Varsity)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Discussion (2 entries) AZ1: Koushik Mamidala (Varsity) AZ2: Tejesh Bhimavarapu (Varsity) Extemporaneous Reading (1 entries) AZ10: Sithara Sunny (Varsity) Extemporaneous Speaking (2 entries) AZ4: Leticia Wamulumba (Varsity) AZ5: Madeline Rice (Varsity) Informative Speaking (2 entries) AZ8: Alanna Hentges (Varsity) AZ9: Ikran Sheikh-Mursal (Varsity) Original Oratory (2 entries) AZ6: Ben Allard (Varsity) AZ7: Phoebe Hessen (Varsity) Prose Reading (1 entries) AZ3: Bonia Biju (Varsity) Judges (2 total) AZ1: Katie Wilson (AVHS) AZ2: Stephanie Webseter (AVHS Interp) Creative Ex 1: Monali Bhakta (Varsity) 2: Kaitlin Strand (Varsity) Discussion (6 entries) 1: Chaitanya Andalkovil (Varsity) 2: Gautham Nair (Varsity) 3: Himani Joshi (Varsity) 4: Luke Stavedahl (Varsity) 5: Shanav Nath (Varsity) 6: Tomin Thomas (Varsity) Drama (3 entries) 1: Sahana Suresh (Varsity) 2: Sara Villalobos (Varsity) 3: Snigdha Panda (Varsity) Duo (1 entries) 1: Nath /Boradia (Varsity) ExtReading (5 entries) 1: Annie Weier (Varsity) 2: Avisha Bhalla (Varsity) 3: Nisha Elgonda (Varsity) 4: Rhea George (Varsity) 5: Vivian Pham (Varsity) Ex Speaking (1 entries) 1: Natasha Das (Varsity) Great Speeches (2 entries) 2: Joshua Christner (Varsity) 3: Saipooja Eega (Varsity) Humorous (1 entries) 1: Eric Heidal (Varsity) Informative Speaking (3 entries) 1: CJ Younger (Varsity) 2: Kim Ngo (Varsity) 3: Saloni Desai (Varsity) Original Oratory (2 entries) 1: Kruthi Krishnappa (Varsity) 2: Nikita Patole (Varsity) Poetry Reading (3 entries) 1: Anna Ly (Varsity) 2: Leslie Garcia (Varsity) 3: Nicole Prak (Varsity) Prose Reading (4 entries) 1: Cheyenne Kelly-Moll (Varsity) 2: Kashish Jain (Varsity) 3: Rossa Sabu (Varsity) 4: Sanyukta Padmanabhan (Varsity) Storytelling (4 entries) 1: Abby Ngalula (Varsity) 2: Elizabeth Wendt (Varsity) 3: Carly Peterson (Varsity) 4: Caroline Flaten (Varsity)

2 Apple Valley Tournament ●Be on the bus by 6:45 ●Coach Wilson will be traveling with you. Coach Webster will also be there, but I’m not sure if she’s traveling on the bus or not. ●Extemporaneous Reading ODD NUMBERED cuttings ●Students in varsity and novice will draw for all three preliminary rounds and finals. ●Discussion Section I (Youth & High School). TOURNAMENT FORMAT: There will be three preliminary rounds and a final round for Novice competitors. New this year: Semi-finals in the Varsity division have been added! This means we will hold three preliminary rounds, a semi-final round, and a final round for Varsity competitors. FINALS: Students in the Varsity division will have the opportunity to advance to semi- finals finals after the first three preliminary rounds. The top speakers in each semi-final section will advance to a championship final round. The Novice division will not have semi-finals. Novice final rounds will take place during the Varsity semi-final rounds.

3 7:00 AMRegistration AVHS And Falcon 8:00 AMDraws AVHS and FRMS 8:30 AMRound I 9:30 AMRound II Draws 10:00 AMRound II 11:00 AMRound III Draws 11:30 AMRound III 1:15 PMDraws for Semi-Finals of Varsity and Draws for Finals Novice 1:45 PMSemi-Finals Varsity and Finals Novice 2:45 PMDraws for Varsity Finals 3:15 PMFinals for Varsity

4 Prior LakeTournament Storytelling draws are first 10 stories; Extemp. Reading first 20 selections Discussion Topics (I. Youth/High School) 3 Rounds and a final No novice division 8:30 Draws 9:00, 10:30 and 12:00 prelims 2:00 Non-Draw Finals 2:15 Draw Finals

5 Captain’s Report Bonia | Ben | Koushik

6 1/15/2016 ★ Feed My Starving Children ○IT’S TODAY!!!!!!! EXXXXXCCCCIIIITTTTTIIIINNNNGGGG!!!!!! ○6:00 PM to 7:30PM ★ Pin Ups ○Thank you to everyone who came in and helped us out! ★ T-Shirts!


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