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TEM of natural samples Whole-mounts - Roscoff October 2000-April 2001 - Helgoland March and April 2001 - Blanes September 2000, April 2001 Thin-sections.

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Presentation on theme: "TEM of natural samples Whole-mounts - Roscoff October 2000-April 2001 - Helgoland March and April 2001 - Blanes September 2000, April 2001 Thin-sections."— Presentation transcript:

1 TEM of natural samples Whole-mounts - Roscoff October 2000-April 2001 - Helgoland March and April 2001 - Blanes September 2000, April 2001 Thin-sections - Blanes September 2000 December 2000, March 2001 April 2001

2 Priority on TEM of cultures Results of examined natural samples Whole-mounts must improve quality Helgoland March 2001- bacteria, diatom, scales from Mamiellales and Chrysochromulina, Pelagococcus envelope?, broken coccoliths Roscoff March 2001-few cells, bacteria, Bathycoccus prasinos, choanoflagellate

3 Priority on TEM of cultures Results of examined natural samples Thin-sections fixation OK, need more material Blanes September 2000-not filtered, cyanobacteria, B. prasinos, prymnesiophycean December 2000 - accident March 2001 - wrong decission

4 Blanes Cyanophytes PrymnesiophyteBathycoccus prasinos

5 Helgoland March 2001

6 Oslofjord Samples prepared October serial dilution culture, whole-mounts, thin-sections December serial dilution culture, whole-mounts, thin-sections January serial dilution culture, whole-mounts, thin-sections February Whole-mounts March serial dilution culture, hole-mounts, thin-sections

7 Results from October 2000 Whole-mounts -Chrysochromulina apheles, C. Scutellum, cf. Dicrateria, Phaeocystis sp.Emiliania huxleyii -Micromonas pusilla, Mamiella gilva, -coccoids without scales, unknown with scales, Paraphysomonas sp. Thin-sections Cyanobacteria, M. Pusilla, Nephroselmis sp., heterotrophic flagellates

8 Serial dilution cultures from October Prymnesiophytes Chrysochromulina apheles, C. scutellum, Phaeocystis sp., Cryptomonads cf Hemilselmis, green cryptomonad 3-5 microns,, Prasinophytes M.pusilla, Nephroselmis sp. Pyramimonas sp. Cyanobacteria Red Serial dilutions from December and January almost empty. Too early for the March cultures

9 Oslofjord October 2000 Cyanobacteria Unknown pico Cell with virus Pyramimonas sp.

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