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WARM UP (11/21/13) Create a chart or Venn diagram in your Warms Up document that compares and contrasts the Pre-Civil War North and South. NorthSouthBoth.

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Presentation on theme: "WARM UP (11/21/13) Create a chart or Venn diagram in your Warms Up document that compares and contrasts the Pre-Civil War North and South. NorthSouthBoth."— Presentation transcript:

1 WARM UP (11/21/13) Create a chart or Venn diagram in your Warms Up document that compares and contrasts the Pre-Civil War North and South. NorthSouthBoth Economy based on factories and manufacturing Economy based on cotton Population experience population increase


3 MISSOURI COMPROMISE (1820) Before the Missouri Compromise, the balance of slave and free states was even However, in 1819 Maine and Missouri applied to become part of the United States

4 MAIN POINTS OF THE MISSOURI COMPROMISE (1820) Maine admitted to the Union as free state Missouri admitted as slave state North of 36 30 line is free Slave states = 12 Free states = 12

5 MEXICAN-AMERICAN WAR (1846-1848) Texas becomes part of the U.S. in 1845 President Polk wants New Mexico and California to be part of the U.S. War ends with the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo U.S. gains CA and NM U.S. assumes financial claims citizens had against Mexico U.S. pays Mexico $15 million


7 SLAVERY PROPOSALS FOR NEW TERRITORY #1: Extend Missouri Compromise line through the new territories #2: Wilmot Proviso (1846) David Wilmot of Pennsylvania (anti-slavery) introduces an Amendment that prohibits slavery in any of the new territory acquired from Mexico #:3 Popular Sovereignty Concept that each state should decide for itself whether or not to allow slavery

8 COMPROMISE OF 1850 1.California enters the Union as a “free state” 2.Rest of land from Mexico become “territories” (slavery decided by “popular sovereignty”) 3.Slave trade is abolished (but not slavery itself) in Washington, DC 4.“Fugitive slave law” becomes stronger

9 FUGITIVE SLAVE LAW (1850) 1793 – Fugitive slave law gave the right to the slave owner to re- capture the escaped slave. By 1843, hundreds of slaves were escaping each year. 1850 – New fugitive slave law criminalizes officers who do not return runaway slaves. Anyone who helped a runaway slave would be fined.

10 FRQ PARAGRAPH Write an FRQ style paragraph to synthesize your knowledge! Choose one of the options below. OPTION #1: How were the North and South different societies before the Civil War? OPTION #2: How did the North and South attempt to compromise on the issue of slavery between 1820 and 1850?

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