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1. Evaluate arguments for and against universal suitability of democracy. 2. Understand distinction between structural and strategic factors in democratization.

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Presentation on theme: "1. Evaluate arguments for and against universal suitability of democracy. 2. Understand distinction between structural and strategic factors in democratization."— Presentation transcript:

1 1. Evaluate arguments for and against universal suitability of democracy. 2. Understand distinction between structural and strategic factors in democratization. 3. Become familiar with evidence on relationship between economic wealth and democracy.

2  PRO: Asian cultures value order, responsibility, allegiance to state over individualized freedoms. o Democracy and individual rights would undermine values and disrupt society.  CON: Selective interpretation of Confucian and Western philosophies (Sen). ◦ Eastern and Western texts both include elements of democracy, liberalism, and authoritarianism.

3  PRO: cultural beliefs crash against the principles of equal individual rights and universal citizenship.  CON: ◦ There are many interpretations of Islam. ◦ What is a “cohesive community”? Is there ever no dissent? ◦ Democracy can have varying approaches to individual rights (Diamond).

4  PRO: Need different rights that apply to different citizen groups depending on religion or ethnicity of citizens involved.  CON: ◦ Liberal democracy typically includes minority rights to protect various communities. (e.g. Canada) ◦ India exactly this kind of society, but sustains democracy.

5  PRO: Authoritarian governments can provide economic goods (including food) more efficiently than democratic governments.  CON: ◦ Poor people benefit from ability to voice complaints and protest (Sen). ◦ Very little evidence that poor people reject democracy once instituted (Sen). ◦ Scant evidence that authoritarian regimes provide economic goods better than democracies.


7 1. Necessary preconditions or prerequisites. 2. Sufficient preconditions. 3. Facilitating or discouraging factors (weaker role).

8 = broad underlying conditions in an environment

9 = choices of people, interacting with one another, to produce outcomes

10 Minimum condition: Agreement on boundaries of state

11 Economic factors 1. Wealth or income per capita


13 Income Level (income USD per capita) Countries with significant democratic experience Nondemocratic Countries “High” ($6010-21,330) 20 4 (Singapore, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait) “Middle” ($520-$5810) 2330 “Low” ($130-$450) 2 (India, Sri Lanka) 40

14 Wealth  Democracy? OR Democracy  Wealth? seems more likely

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