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Energy Transfer. Conduction Energy is transferred through direct contact.

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Presentation on theme: "Energy Transfer. Conduction Energy is transferred through direct contact."— Presentation transcript:

1 Energy Transfer

2 Conduction Energy is transferred through direct contact

3 Conductor Materials that conduct heat well Ex: Metals (silver, copper, aluminum, iron)

4 Insulator Materials that delay the transfer of heat Ex: Wood, wool, straw, paper, cork, Styrofoam

5 Convection Energy is transferred by the mass motion of molecules Heat rises and cool sinks


7 Radiant Energy Any energy that is transmitted by radiation Occurs in the form of electromagnetic waves

8 Radiation Energy is transferred by electromagnetic radiation

9 Terrestrial Radiation Radiant energy emitted from the Earth

10 Greenhouse Effect The warming effect when short-wave radiation is absorbed more easily than long- wave energy can leave

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