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By Loay hammad 6c.  Keith Haring was born on may 4, 1958, he was born in Reading, Pennsylvania, he was also raised in nearby Kutztown, Pennsylvania.

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Presentation on theme: "By Loay hammad 6c.  Keith Haring was born on may 4, 1958, he was born in Reading, Pennsylvania, he was also raised in nearby Kutztown, Pennsylvania."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Loay hammad 6c

2  Keith Haring was born on may 4, 1958, he was born in Reading, Pennsylvania, he was also raised in nearby Kutztown, Pennsylvania.  He started drawing at a very early age and he developed a love for drawing.

3  Keith Haring learned basic cartooning skills from his father and from the a famous culture around him, such as Dr.Seuss and Walt Disney.  Keith Haring did the cartoon and stick figures. When he finished he produced his art in his organization.

4  Keith haring was inspired by Dr.Seuss and Walt Disney because they where drawing stick figures at the time so he was inspired by Walt Disney Mickey mouse figures.

5  Strong man human and wails BFF 

6  His work appeal to most people because they are stick figures but it says a lot about it self by colors and shape the figures where in.  They don’t appeal to some people because it is not appropriate to younger viewers.

7  ndex.html ndex.html  a_EEE/Sf2c2B4R2LI/AAAAAAAAEQQ/OqL8 lS62EGw/s400/Keith+Haring+- +Pop+Shop+1987.jpg a_EEE/Sf2c2B4R2LI/AAAAAAAAEQQ/OqL8 lS62EGw/s400/Keith+Haring+- +Pop+Shop+1987.jpg  /lg/1/9/Keith-Haring-Untitled--1983- 190875.jpg /lg/1/9/Keith-Haring-Untitled--1983- 190875.jpg

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