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Leading a Course Review. Summary Evaluation of Second Module.

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Presentation on theme: "Leading a Course Review. Summary Evaluation of Second Module."— Presentation transcript:

1 Leading a Course Review

2 Summary Evaluation of Second Module

3 Outcomes Interpret key performance indicators for annual course review (ACR) Work with course team to identify course strengths and devise strategies to maintain them Work with course team to identify course areas for improvement and devise strategies to address them

4 Learning & Teaching Performance Fund (LTPF) Graduate Destination Survey (GDS) FT employment FT/PT further study Course Experience Questionnaire (CEQ) Good Teaching Scale (GTS) Generic Skills Scale (GSS) Overall Satisfaction Item (OSI) Student Progress Rates (pass rates) Student Retention Rates Commencing Total

5 LTPF Results 2006 - 24/38 2007 – 20 2008 - ?

6 LTPF – Comparative Outcomes 2007 to 2008 SCEABLEHAEH Student satisfaction Generic Skills  (-)  (-) (-) Good Teaching  (-)  (  ) (-)  (-) Overall Satisfaction  (-)  (  ) (  )  (  ) Outcomes Full-time employment (-)  (-) (  )  (-) Further FT & PT study  (-)  (  )  (-) Success All Bachelor progress (-) ()() ()() ()() Commencing progress (  )  (  ) ()() ()() (-) No change; (  ) improved against 2007; (  ) declined against 2007

7 The Need for Course Review! AUQA Cycle 1 Recommendation Course Review Policy developed by a working party based on LTPF indicators and eVALUate Endorsed by UAB Dec 2006 for implementation in 2007 Data readily available through Planning and Quality Information Reportal at




11 Task In groups of 4, review the course data and prepare an ACR Report –Use Tables 1 – 19 in Bachelor of Example –Additional Course Summary Report –Additional Distribution of Scores Report


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