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Published byAllan Knight Modified over 9 years ago
NASA MSFC Mission Operations Laboratory MSFC NASA MSFC Mission Operations Laboratory First Contact Package for KSC Payloads #3 of 5 June 5, 2013 Getting Ready for Real-time
NASA MSFC Mission Operations Laboratory MSFC Page 2 Contents of This Briefing PD Team Training POIC Flight Control Team Definition Real-time Documentation Products and Tools for Real-time Operations Increment Operations Best Operations Practices Contact Information
NASA MSFC Mission Operations Laboratory MSFC Page 3 Payload Operations Integration Process L-18 to L-12 Products/Tasks: Ops Nomenclature Crew displays Ops concept Crew training Crew procedures Planning Commands and telemetry Systems interfaces POH Volume 1 PIA Ground Data Services Section Tools/Web sites: POIF Web Site PAT GSRT Web Site L-12 to L-6 Products/Tasks: The POIF increment team Payload Regulations Flight Rules Status Checks On-orbit Ops Summary Groundrules and Constraints POH Volume 1 GDS Blank Book & POIC Service Tools/Web sites: IPV HOSC Admin Portal L-6 to L-2 Products/Tasks: Ground training Simulations POIC flight control team Best ops practices POH Volume 1 POH Volume 2 GDS CoFR Tools/Web sites: OSTPV ROOCI PIMS/EHS Voice loops TReK EPC L-2 to Real-time Products/Tasks: Real-time environment Timeline review Real-time decision-making Changing roles Expectations Real-time planning Anomalies POH Volume 2 Tools/Web sites: PAR system
NASA MSFC Mission Operations Laboratory MSFC Page 4 PD Team Training
NASA MSFC Mission Operations Laboratory MSFC Page 5 PD Team Training POIF provides PD team training prior to operations POIF does not require entire PD teams to travel to Huntsville to take training. All training is conducted via telecon or loops Briefings Team Definition – describes the roles and responsibilities of the flight controllers Planning Overview – describes how to read the timeline and the Payload Developers responsibility to give timely inputs Voice Protocol – describes the rules for speaking over the loops Best Ops Practices – describes good practices for real-time console operations Training materials will be available to you via web or mail
NASA MSFC Mission Operations Laboratory MSFC Page 6 PD Team Training Ground Systems Training provides hands on training using POIC systems This training is usually conducted on the loops Required of each individual responsible for interfaces with POIC PIMS / OCR – software tool for requesting operations changes Commanding – system and protocol for sending commands to your payload Telemetry – receiving data from your payload IPV – application for viewing crew procedures OSTPV – application for viewing the timeline JEDI – website for posting and reviewing products
NASA MSFC Mission Operations Laboratory MSFC Page 7 PD Team Training PD internal team training – Expectations of you Experiment specific workstations (hardware and software) Internal team ground operations Knowledge of experiment operations and expected science return Knowledge of POH Volume 2 Command Certification if applicable TSC (Tele-Science Center) workstations should be trained at the TSC Simulations and scenario sessions Simulations and scenario sessions are practice sessions in a flight-like environment The process starts approximately four months prior to scheduled on-board operations
NASA MSFC Mission Operations Laboratory MSFC Page 8 Scenario Sessions A scenario session is a training environment set up to meet the PD team objectives Recommend one or more scenario sessions prior to supporting a simulation Objectives are defines by PD team and POIC FCT. Sessions tend to be day-in-the-life environment exercising specific tasks or activities Participants include PD team, POIC FCT, and the other centers’ surrogates will be provided by POIF Scenario sessions are approximately four hours long or as required. Debrief will occur immediately following the session
NASA MSFC Mission Operations Laboratory MSFC Page 9 Simulations PD teams are highly encouraged to participate in simulations Good practice for you, good experience for us Simulations are typically six hours long with a debrief immediately following The simulation timelines are built to achieve objectives as defined by the POIC FCT with input from PD teams (when applicable) Simulations tend to be day-in-the-life environment exercising multiple objectives using the same tools needed to support real time operations PD teams will work with their Ops Leads and POIF sim team during the sim development process
NASA MSFC Mission Operations Laboratory MSFC Page 10 Readiness for Scenarios and Simulations PD requirements to support training include: Computer systems, hardware, and accounts including voice loops PIMS, OSTPV, ROOCI Ground Training must be completed and completion records sent to POIF training personnel Draft forms of your operations products must be available Payload Regulations, Flight Rules, Crew Procedures, Ground Command Procedures, etc.
NASA MSFC Mission Operations Laboratory MSFC Page 11 Real-time Documentation
NASA MSFC Mission Operations Laboratory MSFC Page 12 Real-time Documentation The three most critical documents for a PD team to adhere to during real-time operations are POH Volume 2, Payload Regulations, and Flight Rules POH Volume 2 defines the governing processes and procedures for all aspects of real-time POIC and PD teams follow this document, regardless of payload location on ISS Defines (including but not limited to) standard operations processes, planning processes, change processes, responses to off-nominal situations Payload Regulations were defined in package #2, and are the constraints and decisions defined in advance to ensure payload success and prevent conflicts Flight Rules were defined in package #2, and are the decisions made in advance to ensure crew health, vehicle integrity, and mission success
NASA MSFC Mission Operations Laboratory MSFC Page 13 Real-time Documentation POIC’s real-time documents are located on RICO Web Page, under “Real-time Documents” Approved_Changes.html POIF-1005 POIC Payload Operations Handbook, Vol. 2: Increment Operations POIF-1190 NASA Payload Regulations Link to Flight Rules on ISS Flight Director’s web site Ground Command Procedures, POIC FCT training materials, PARDs, links to Safety data
NASA MSFC Mission Operations Laboratory MSFC Page 14 Real-time Documentation Other important real-time information is located on the RICO web site: POIC Team staffing TIR/JIT Minutes PD Contact Info Planning PARDs and PPOs PAR Database PAILs Latest Crew Training Matrix Latest POH Vol 2 SOPs and Payload Regulations
NASA MSFC Mission Operations Laboratory MSFC Page 15 Products for Real-time Operations
NASA MSFC Mission Operations Laboratory MSFC Page 16 Products – WLP, STP, OSTP WLP (Weekly Look-ahead Plan) (not sent to the crew) The schedule of one complete week’s activities Published 10 days prior to execution Monday, and distributed to PD teams via e-mail Activities scheduled in the WLP are the planning models based on the PPO and PARD, baselined pre-increment STP (Short Term Plan) (not sent to the crew) A detailed timeline of one day of ISS operations including crew, commanding and ground coordination operations. Derived from the WLP OSTP (Onboard Short Term Plan) (uplinked to the crew) A detailed timeline of one day of ISS operations Derived from the STP and may include a Task List of activities to be performed by the crew, at their discretion.
NASA MSFC Mission Operations Laboratory MSFC Page 17 Products – OSTP (Example)
NASA MSFC Mission Operations Laboratory MSFC Page 18 Products – Stowage Note Stowage Note Provides information to the ISS crew for locating/stowing necessary hardware for NASA payload activities Developed daily by POIC Stowage using the parts, tools, and materials called out in the crew procedures Input into ASN (Automated Stowage Note) by POIC Stowage and viewed by users in the timeline/tasklist via OSTPV PD Teams are responsible for timely inputs and review
NASA MSFC Mission Operations Laboratory MSFC Page 19 Products – Stowage Note Example
NASA MSFC Mission Operations Laboratory MSFC Page 20 Products – OCRs OCRs (Operations Change Requests) are the means to submit or change operations products Uses PIMS/EHS software Any required changes to crew procedures and/or planning models must be submitted via OCR New products such as OCA messages, requests for Flight Notes, requests for new activities OCR processing is led by the Integration POD (I-POD) Reference POH Volume 1 SOP 10.8, 10.9
NASA MSFC Mission Operations Laboratory MSFC Page 21 Products – Availability WLP/STP products are send out by the PPM team in.pdf format. Adobe Acrobat reader is required. JSC’s ops1 server hosts the following products OSTP (includes links to Stowage Notes and procedures) Crew procedures in IPV OCA messages PD teams without access to ops1 can use POIC’s ROOCI server to access OSTPV ROOCI (Remote OSTP Onboard Crew Interface) The server is located at the HOSC (Huntsville Operations Support Center) and is updated to mirror ops1.
NASA MSFC Mission Operations Laboratory MSFC Page 22 GDS CoFR Package POIC Ground Operations Increment Lead Coordinates GDS CoFR activity and support Coordinates any direct flight GDS support needs GDS CoFR Checklist Package distributed to all payload operating locations by the POIC Increment Operations Lead. Package identifies services requiring CoFR Package identified CoFR testing certification methodology POIC provides access to services 24 x 7 to support CoFR activity. Each operating location certifies GDS services by signing CoFR checklist.
NASA MSFC Mission Operations Laboratory MSFC Page 23 Increment Operations
NASA MSFC Mission Operations Laboratory MSFC Page 24 Increment Planning – Decision Making During increment operations, management of the overall payload planning, priorities, and allocation are done by: POM – responsible for payload operations readiness and planning per the utilization priorities, and POIC oversight IPM – Increment Payload Manager, provided by the Mission Integration Office at JSC – responsible for ensuring utilization crew time is allocated in order to plan research LIS – Lead Increment Scientist, provided by the Research Office at JSC – responsible for research prioritization These three positions are known as the “triad”, and collectively determine the strategy for achieving utilization The triad and POIC planning team maintain insight to the utilization objectives and priorities to aid in replanning
NASA MSFC Mission Operations Laboratory MSFC Page 25 Increment Planning – Process During increment operations, each week’s plan is developed based on the Final OOS, with deviations for increment profile (flights, major tasks, failures) and priorities (payloads, systems) Payload plans are reviewed by the utilization team (includes triad, POIC planners, Partner planners) every Wednesday morning, and encompass the subsequent three weeks of operations Integrated plans are reviewed by all disciplines and increment management every Thursday morning. The result of this meeting is an approved WLP. Any changes must be submitted by OCR in order to affect the WLP
NASA MSFC Mission Operations Laboratory MSFC Page 26 Increment Planning – Crew Day The crew day is referenced to GMT time Crew work day is 6.5 hours schedulable time. Additional work time is book kept as DPC and PREP-WORK Midday meal and exercise are scheduled but not counted as work time Sleep is nominally 8.5 hours per day Nominal wake up is 6:00 GMT and sleep starts at 21:30 GMT Crew workweek is nominally Monday-Friday, plus up to 1 hour of schedulable time on a weekend Vehicle dockings and other events sometimes require sleep shifting and work on weekends Crew is given off-duty or half-duty time to compensate Crewmembers select up to 3 holidays per increment
NASA MSFC Mission Operations Laboratory MSFC Page 27 Real-time Realities
NASA MSFC Mission Operations Laboratory MSFC Page 28 Real-time Realities – Introduction As you transition into real-time for your increment, the interfaces you have known will change somewhat The PARC does not generally work real-time planning product updates. Your planning interfaces will mostly be with the PPM The Ops Lead is still available to assist with operations products and coordination with POIC Your interfaces to POIC will mostly be with the increment team members and the front room: POM, APOM – increment management and decisions PPM team – weekly planning PREP team – next week’s timeline, OCRs POIC FCT – real-time operations, near real-time replanning
NASA MSFC Mission Operations Laboratory MSFC Page 29 Real-time Realities – Replanning Plans change, sometimes even right before or during operations. Then we have to replan Maintenance and failures often drive a need to change plans If we have to replan your activities, we will notify you Sometimes, things don’t go as planned Anomalies happen, and are documented in the PAR system Recovery from anomalies may require a well thought out plan, the development of which takes time Any recovery affecting safety, or if the resolution requires a maintenance hazard assessment, require longer lead time to get approved
NASA MSFC Mission Operations Laboratory MSFC Page 30 Real-time Realities – Other The PIMS/OCR system is used to request and/or document changes Operations products changes, especially those requiring additional crew time, often require 1-3 weeks to get implemented OCR process documented in POH Volume 2, SOP 10.8 and includes minimum lead times for OCRs POIC has regular maintenance scheduled every Tuesday evening May affect your connectivity or include temporary loss of services during the maintenance Coordinated in advance
NASA MSFC Mission Operations Laboratory MSFC Page 31 Real-time Realities – Expectations Review timelines – the best way to ensure your requirements are met as you want them, is to review timelines in advance PPM distributes WLP and STP via e-mail OSTPV available for all of the subsequent week Be realistic when submitting changes – POIC processes a lot of change, and often must prioritize work The crew work day isn’t ideal for those of us who live in Central time. Your payload may be scheduled during off hours You may be asked or required to update your operations products, based on how they go in real-time Procedures and/or planning models may have to change based on operations experience and lessons learned
NASA MSFC Mission Operations Laboratory MSFC Page 32 Best Operations Practices
NASA MSFC Mission Operations Laboratory MSFC Page 33 Best Ops Practices – The Basics These charts are a shortened version of training you will receive from POIF. They outline expectations and techniques to maximize your payload operations Information we need from you Contact information for your console personnel Help us understand in advance the “big picture” How today’s science fits into larger objectives Have appropriate expertise on console, and anticipate activities not being performed as planned Think ahead about any potential questions What you can live without if the crew is behind Find good stopping points ahead of time, and any deviations from planned steps if everything can’t be completed
NASA MSFC Mission Operations Laboratory MSFC Page 34 Best Ops Practices – The Basics Get your message across concisely Craft your words carefully, particularly on the loops Be prepared to provide post-operations feedback How the operations went from your perspective How the operations were from the crew perspective Any changes required for future operations must come in via the OCR system, not e-mail
NASA MSFC Mission Operations Laboratory MSFC Page 35 Best Ops Practices – During Operations Prior to operations, check that all your ground systems are functional Be on console ~1 hour early and let POIC know you are there For situational awareness, monitor POD and S/G loops continuously, and monitor the Flight Director loop as much as possible At crew call-down for your payload activity, be in the ear of the POD Acknowledge S/G calls when you hear them If you don’t have an immediate answer, say so Then, give a time when you expect to have an answer Respond at the time you said you would; even if you still don’t have an answer
NASA MSFC Mission Operations Laboratory MSFC Page 36 Contact Information The increment lead positions you worked with during operations preparation, will generally staff the PREP room during the increment The increment lead POD will become the POM The LIS Rep will maintain an increment contact list that includes your payload contacts, please provide that information to him/her To get on the PPM’s distribution for WLP and STP products, contact your Ops Lead POIC console phone numbers and e-mail addresses are in POH Volume 2, SOP 3.6 (pasted in this package as reference information)
NASA MSFC Mission Operations Laboratory MSFC Page 37 Contact Information POD: John Bartlett 256-544-3991 PPM: Stacy Steele 256-544-2082 OC Rich Payne 256-544-8199 PRO John Cech 256-961-1091 DMC Tim Cruse 256 961-0137 PAYCOM Crissy Canerday 256-544-8915
NASA MSFC Mission Operations Laboratory MSFC Page 38 Contact Information POIC Stowage: Gary Smith 256-961-2319 POIC Safety: Steven Burchell 256-961-4393 LIS Rep: [Name] [Phone number] [E-mail address]
NASA MSFC Mission Operations Laboratory MSFC Page 39 Contact Information Sim Supervisor: Amanda Parker 256-961-0341 Amanda.H.Parker@ PD Ground Training: [name] [Phone number] [E-mail address] POIC Ground Ops Increment Lead Mgr.: Hal Greenlee 256-544-6145
NASA MSFC Mission Operations Laboratory MSFC Page 40 POIC Console Contact Information
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