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Networked Game Proposal Chris Snyder, Jason Brown.

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Presentation on theme: "Networked Game Proposal Chris Snyder, Jason Brown."— Presentation transcript:

1 Networked Game Proposal Chris Snyder, Jason Brown

2 Description (Brief) Fast, match-based 2-D Online Cooperative Hack n' Slash/RPG (Detail)  Fast, match-based gameplay featuring persistent rewards Five to thirty minute matches  Cooperative play against large, terrifying bosses Wade through obstacles and hordes of enemies  Varying levels of difficulty  Track scoring across a server leaderboard

3 Initial Overview Network  Client/Server architecture Packet structure/serialization Security Interactivity  Input management  World Interactivity Collision Movement Graphical Overhead  Map/Terrain  Sprites and Sprite Animation  GUI

4 Initial Overview (cont'd) Game Design  Balancing  Reward Structure  Classes/Skills

5 Languages Java  Well-defined and documented API, libraries and extensions Bindings to many common frameworks (OGL, MySQL, etc...)  Simple networking solutions (in comparison to C/++)  Simple threading options (in comparison to C/++)  Platform independence MySQL  Well-documented relational database system  Supported by many common programming languages

6 Libraries, Frameworks, Platforms Standard Java API  Basic Java Functionality Graphical Overhead:  JOGL (considered) Calculated via graphics card (faster computations) Hardware-accelerated 2-D  Graphics2D (considered) Java standard 2-D graphics API Well-defined, documented and constantly maintained  Swing Primary Java GUI widget toolkit Capable of overlaying JOGL frames

7 Risks/Challenges Networking  Client/Server model  Packet structure/serialization Security  Client limitations  Authentication Object Interaction  Collision  Context-sensitive interaction Game Balance Overzealous-ness

8 Motivation We've always maintained an active interest in game programming and design We just want to see it happen, and how far it can go

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