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IT-INFN-CNAF Status Update LHC-OPN Meeting INFN CNAF, 10-11 December 2009 Stefano Zani 10/11/2009Stefano Zani INFN CNAF (TIER1 Staff)1.

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Presentation on theme: "IT-INFN-CNAF Status Update LHC-OPN Meeting INFN CNAF, 10-11 December 2009 Stefano Zani 10/11/2009Stefano Zani INFN CNAF (TIER1 Staff)1."— Presentation transcript:

1 IT-INFN-CNAF Status Update LHC-OPN Meeting INFN CNAF, 10-11 December 2009 Stefano Zani 10/11/2009Stefano Zani INFN CNAF (TIER1 Staff)1

2 INFN CNAF CNAF is the main computing facility of the INFN – Core business: TIER1 for all the LHC Experiments (Atlas, CMS, Alice and LHCB) – Other Activities: Provide Computing Resources for several other experiments in which INFN is involved (CDF, Babar, Virgo, SuperB,..) – R&D on GRID middleware development 10/11/2009Stefano Zani INFN CNAF (TIER1 Staff)2

3 The Computing facility Infrastructure Computing center infrastructure expansion has been completed in spring 2009 More than 130 Racks are in place and the cooling system is capable of dissipating the heat produced by 2MW of installed computing devices. The total Electrical Distribution available for the Center is about 5MW The total “Protected Electrical Power” is about 3.4 MW (2 Rotary UPS + 2 Diesel Engines) 10/11/2009Stefano Zani INFN CNAF (TIER1 Staff)3

4 Computing Resources “at a glance” COMPUTING NODES – More than 2800 cores (6.6 MSpecINT2K or 23000 HEP Spec) 1U “Standard” Servers (1 Mother Board 2 Quad Core - 8 Cores in 1U) 1U Twin Servers (2 Mother Boards with 2 Quad Core -16 Cores in 1 U) Blade Chassis (With 16 Servers in 10 U – 12.8 Cores in 1 U with integrated I/O Modules and management system) SORAGE – 2,5 PB of Disk Capacity SAN (EMC2+SUN) Served by 200 Disk Servers (STORM+GPFS) – 5 PB of TAPE Capacity (Expandable Up to 10PB ) served by 20 Drives NETWORK – 3 Core Switch/Routers – 60 Gigabit aggregation Switches – 20 Gb/s WAN Connectivity 10/11/2009Stefano Zani INFN CNAF (TIER1 Staff)4

5 10/11/2009Stefano Zani INFN CNAF (TIER1 Staff)5 7600 GARR 2x10Gb/s 10Gb/s Exterme BD10808 4x10Gb/s INFN CNAF TIER1 Network 10Gb/s LHC-OPN dedicated link 10Gb/s T0-T1 (CERN) T1-T1 (PIC,RAL,TRIUMPH) S.Z. 12-2009 T1-T1’s (BNL,FNAL,TW-ASGC,NDGF) T1-T2’s CNAF General purpose Exterme BD8810 Worker Nodes 2x1Gb/s Extreme Summit450 Extreme Summit450 4x1Gb/s Extreme Summit450 Worker Nodes LHC-OPN (Cross Border) CNAF-KIT CNAF-IN2P3 CNAF-SARA T0-T1 BACKUP 10Gb/s WAN RAL PIC TRIUMPH 4x1Gb/s 2x10Gb/s Extreme Summit400 Storage Servers Disk Servers Castor Stagers Fiber Channel Storage Devices SAN Extreme Summit400 In Case of network Congestion: Uplink upgrade from 4 x 1Gb/s to 10 Gb/s or 2x10Gb/s

6 Monitoring – MDM Devices are on line and connected to the core switch since summer ’09. (Recently fixed the GPS issue with an antenna signal splitter) – Internal monitoring done with: MRTG (Each port of the net) Nagios managing alerts with automatic SMS on critical events Netflow/Sflow For traffic accounting 10/11/2009Stefano Zani INFN CNAF (TIER1 Staff)6 7600 GARR 2x10Gb/s 10Gb/s Exterme BD10808 4x10Gb/s 10Gb/s Exterme BD8810 GARR Extreme Summit400 MDM Servers WAN

7 T1 Connectivity Wishes to have a dedicated link for all the T1-T1 connectivity via a T1 or NAP well connected to US T1s. For resiliency reasons it would be better to avoid using CERN for this task. 10/11/2009Stefano Zani INFN CNAF (TIER1 Staff)7 T1 WAN Connectivity evolution (Wishes) CNAF-IT-T1 All other T1s (T1 or NAP) …But solutions to have a second link through CERN seems to be more feasible in brief time and GARR is facing the possibility to start testing a 100 Gb/s Between CNAF and CERN via GEANT before the end of 2010.

8 T2 WAN Connectivity evolution Italian TIER-2’s Bari, Catania, Milan, Naples, Legnaro (PD), Pisa, Rome and Turin. Currently connected via GARR with 1Gb/s connections 10/11/2009Stefano Zani INFN CNAF (TIER1 Staff)8 CNAF (T1) CNAF TIER1 Naples Rome Pisa LNL Catania Milan Turin Bari Italian T2’s WAN interconnections are evolving from 1 Gb/s to10 Gb/s GARR-X accesses (Q4 2010) Each T2 needs an IP connection in order to reach all other T1s and T2s via GEANT and INFN is asking GARR a dedicated light paths for the traffic between INFN CNAF and all the Italian T2s. TIER2 GARR-X IP To other T1s Or T2s Light Path T2-CNAF

9 Next steps on LAN side.. New Cisco Nexus 7000 installation as a CORE (end of January) switch for the TIER1 resources GridFTP Servers and SE Direct 10Gb/s CORE Connection Virtual Nodes on demand and their interconnection issues to be handled.. 10/11/2009Stefano Zani INFN CNAF (TIER1 Staff)9

10 10/11/2009Stefano Zani INFN CNAF (TIER1 Staff)10 That’s it Questions?

11 Backup Slides 10/11/2009Stefano Zani INFN CNAF (TIER1 Staff)11

12 10/11/2009Stefano Zani INFN CNAF (TIER1 Staff)12 Internet 2 x 1 Gbps 1 x 10 Gbps LHC OPN 4 x 1 Gbps sw-101-11 sw-101-10 sw-101-13-01 sw-09-06 Cisco 7606 Cisco 6500 sw-08-02 sw-08-03 sw-08-04 sw-08-05 sw-08-06 sw-08-07 sw-08-08 sw-08-09 sw-102-15 farmswg3 farmswf1 farmswf2 sw-103-09 sw-103-10 sw-103-11 sw-104-05 sw-104-07 sw-104-09 104-01-01 104-01-02 104-02-01 104-02-02 104-03-01 104-03-02 sw-103-13 sw-103-14 sw-104-10 sw-104-11 sw-103-15 sw-104-13 sw-104-14 sw-104-15 BD8810 Network Layout BD10K sw-101-13-02 sw-103-01-01 sw-101-09 sw-101-02-02 sw-101-02-01 sw-101-02-04 sw-101-02-03 sw-103-03-03 sw-103-03-01 sw-103-05-03 sw-103-05-01 sw-103-07-03 sw-103-07-01 sw-103-02-01 sw-103-03-04 sw-103-03-02 sw-103-05-04 sw-103-05-02 sw-103-07-04 sw-103-07-02 sw-101-01-02 sw-101-01-01sw-101-07 sw-f-01

13 10/11/2009Stefano Zani INFN CNAF (TIER1 Staff)13

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