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Bud, Not Buddy Vocabulary for Chapters Seven-Eight All photos taken from Google Images.

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Presentation on theme: "Bud, Not Buddy Vocabulary for Chapters Seven-Eight All photos taken from Google Images."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bud, Not Buddy Vocabulary for Chapters Seven-Eight All photos taken from Google Images.

2 Britches—an informal term for breeches; pants

3 Crawdad—a freshwater crustacean related to the lobster

4 Dandelion—a weed with yellow flowers and a fluffy white seed head

5 Gait—a manner of walking, stepping, or running

6 Hypnotizing—putting in a hypnotic state; mesmerizing

7 Kin—family; relatives

8 Matrimonial—of or pertaining to marriage

9 Muskrat—a large rodent

10 Radiating—extending from a center; spreading

11 Retrieve—to recover or regain

12 Whiff—a slight gust of wind, air, or smoke; taking in, smelling wind, air, or smoke

13 Wiry—resembling wire; thin; sinewy

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