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The NA62RunControl: Status update Nicolas Lurkin School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Birmingham NA62 TDAQ Meeting – CERN, 10/06/2015.

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Presentation on theme: "The NA62RunControl: Status update Nicolas Lurkin School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Birmingham NA62 TDAQ Meeting – CERN, 10/06/2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 The NA62RunControl: Status update Nicolas Lurkin School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Birmingham NA62 TDAQ Meeting – CERN, 10/06/2015

2 Change of operation New Features/Detector integration New XML scheme XML Handling: Proposal for addition Outline RunControl status update - TDAQ Meeting - N. Lurkin 2

3 Previously: RESET INITIALIZE Select recipe START_RUN Input run info ENABLE Change of Operation RunControl status update - TDAQ Meeting - N. Lurkin 3 Now: RESET LOAD_RECIPE Select recipe INITIALIZE START_RUN Input run info ENABLE Shifter Expert Loading new configuration and starting a run

4 Previously: single detector (worst case) RESET subsystem & global INITIALIZE subsystem INITIALIZE global RunManager Select recipe START_RUN Input run info ENABLE Change of Operation RunControl status update - TDAQ Meeting - N. Lurkin 4 Now: RESET subsystem & global LOAD_RECIPE global Select recipe INITIALIZE subsystem START_RUN Input run info ENABLE Shifter Expert Loading new configuration for single subsystem and starting a run

5 Decoupled expert/shifter operation In single subsystem operation, INITIALIZE global RunManager was often forgotten -> Subsystem FSM blocked -> new configuration not loaded -> Call to Nicolas Lurkin  Now more intuitive: dedicated command Can be always done from global button Cannot be done during run (stable condition for run) Change of Operation RunControl status update - TDAQ Meeting - N. Lurkin 5

6 BigScreen has been reworked Some information removed (redundant, too complicated for quick look) Some were added (still more suggestions received to be added) Intuitive trigger flow Numbers in same column should be identical Red/Green colour code to quickly locate differences New visual style applied: Dark theme: Less aggressive to look at, better for the eyes especially at night More pleasant to look at New Features/Detector Integration RunControl status update - TDAQ Meeting - N. Lurkin 6

7 New Features/Detector Integration RunControl status update - TDAQ Meeting - N. Lurkin 7

8 Event notification publishing on DIM: Used by music server to play specific music extracts for each different event Run Events: INITIALIZE, START, END, ERROR Start of new shift Default recipe can be set and is used when selecting recipe at LOAD_RECIPE, when loading new file and editing file. Beam DIP publication received from SPS Beam intensity, magnets currents Published on a dim block to be merged in the data flow by PCFarm New Features/Detector Integration RunControl status update - TDAQ Meeting - N. Lurkin 8

9 CREAM control integrated Boards for MUV1&2 are hosted in the same crate and controlled by the same program -> Merged, acts as single detector MUV1&2 configuration decoupled from LKr XML configuration understood to update crate configuration (and conversely) GigaTracker integrated Straw SRB Integrated Network configuration is handled by RC TEL62 Using new XML scheme Ready to test dual configuration files New Features/Detector Integration RunControl status update - TDAQ Meeting - N. Lurkin 9

10 LAV Thresholds Raspberry Pi are attached to the crates Thresholds setting and monitoring is controlled by the RunControl through the Pi. L0TP Full control over primitive trigger Still missing the documentation of triggers (Any shifter reading the L0TP page should understand what is the trigger) PC farm Several new tools to summarize numbers and spot possible problems New control options (Cream configuration, L1 triggers) Merger disk space monitored RunControl FSM All LKr/L0 tel62 added and cascade initialization implemented New Features/Detector Integration RunControl status update - TDAQ Meeting - N. Lurkin 10

11 Vlado’s xmlconfig scheme was found to be too rigid and verbose for some boards (TEL62/GTK mainly) Serialization based on boost::serialization 1 to 1 correspondence between C structure and XML structure Complete Same order New XML Scheme RunControl status update - TDAQ Meeting - N. Lurkin 11

12 Implementation of new alternative XML scheme (XMLPreProcessor) Parser based on a pre-processor and libxml2 Less verbose (,,, tags disappeared) Always produces full XML in output Input XML structure can be different from C structure Partial XML, more tags in XML Only matching parts are extracted/updated If corresponding XML tags is not found, value is not updated Warns about extra/missing tags if requested Notify about updated tags if requested New XML Scheme RunControl status update - TDAQ Meeting - N. Lurkin 12

13  Possibility of incremental configuration for both fixed and flexible (or mixed) configuration Fixed: Set of values read at Initialize/Start_Run are fixed Flexible: Set of values read at Initialize/Start_Run are not fixed (Update only updated values) See for details, documentation, examples and download New XML Scheme RunControl status update - TDAQ Meeting - N. Lurkin 13

14 Values in configuration can change (run basis, day basis, weekly basis, monthly/yearly basis, etc) Channel masking T0 Channel offset … XML Handling: Proposal for addition RunControl status update - TDAQ Meeting - N. Lurkin 14 Recipe t MuR KLI KHI Recipe t Ex: MUV3 T0

15 Modifying the configuration requires  Get old configuration from RC recipe database  Update values in file  Upload new file in RC recipe database (for all concerned recipes)  Repeat for all boards (best case 1, worse case LKr/L0=36) OK if done twice a year, not OK if done every day… XML Handling: Proposal for addition RunControl status update - TDAQ Meeting - N. Lurkin 15

16  New proposal: At START_RUN, RC checks board directory on lkrpn0 Read eventual START_RUN_appendix.xml in the directory XML Handling: Proposal for addition RunControl status update - TDAQ Meeting - N. Lurkin 16 Database START_RUN file 5 START_RUN_appendix.xml 42 Merged 5 42 Save in conditions database Send to board

17 Not reported in a long time -> Many updates New procedure for control: More intuitive Decoupled Shifter/Expert operation Subsystem integration GTK, Straw, MUV1&2 integrated LKr/L0 ready to be connected Control of LAV thresholds through Raspberry Pi Full control over triggers from RC New monitoring tools for PCFarm Beam DIP publications received and sent to the data stream Interaction with shifter: visual style, audio notification Handling of XML configuration New and old scheme Dual configuration Addition proposal Conclusion RunControl status update - TDAQ Meeting - N. Lurkin 17

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