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1 WBS 1 Preparation for FDRs NCSX WBS 1 Engineering Meeting March 17, 2003 What establishes the plan? What are near term deliverables? How will we status.

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Presentation on theme: "1 WBS 1 Preparation for FDRs NCSX WBS 1 Engineering Meeting March 17, 2003 What establishes the plan? What are near term deliverables? How will we status."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 WBS 1 Preparation for FDRs NCSX WBS 1 Engineering Meeting March 17, 2003 What establishes the plan? What are near term deliverables? How will we status our progress each week? What about additional reviews?

2 2 What establishes the plan?  All activities have been planned via WAFs and included in master schedule ( Ron Strykowski )  A separate list of deliverables compiled for WBS 12 and WBS 14  cross check with plans  provides more resolution on goals

3 3 What are near term activities?  Vacuum Vessel  PVVS fabrication by Rohwedder and Major Tool  Weld joint R&D  Final design and FDR for VVSA – May 19  VVSA procurement  Modular Coils  Prototype winding form R&D  Material property R&D  Winding / potting R&D  Twisted Racetrack Coil testing  Final design and FDR for winding forms – May 20  Winding form procurement  Field period assembly – tooling, metrology  Conventional Coils – preliminary design, analysis, procurement options  Global analyses – field errors, seismic, etc.

4 4  Requirements documents – SRD or B-specs  Configuration definition – basic design  Specs – Build-to or C-specs  Scale models – STL or other  Interface control documents (ICDs)  Pro-E models and drawings  Analysis reports  Manufacturing Development (R&D)  Manufacturing Procedures (MIT/QA plans, readiness reviews)  Assembly procedures  Other documents – FMECA, RAM plan  Cost and Schedule update  FDR preparations – Design description, presentations What are the types of deliverables?

5 5 WBS 12 deliverables

6 6 WBS 14 Deliverables

7 7 We will status the plan weekly at WBS 1 mtg.  Plan sent out prior to meeting  Each player on plan reports progress  If intended schedule is not on track, don’t wait for meeting to report  Plan can change if necessary, but certain dates must be met:  VVSA FDR – May 19  Mod coil FDR – May 20  VVSA procurement package – May 26  Mod coil winding form procurement package – June 10

8 8 There are additional reviews prior to FDR  The design needs to work, and we need to agree that it will, so we need to review the work as it is accomplished  Review plan will exist on the web

9 9 Summary  There is a lot to do before the external final design reviews  Work is planned via  WAFs  Master schedule  Deliverables list attempts to define what constitutes completion of a task – please review your deliverables  Additional internal reviews planned to ensure the design works  We need to keep our eye on completing the deliverables, try not to get distracted by the inevitable what-if studies

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