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NOAA Science Center Overview Marie Colton, Director, Office of Research and Applications Helen Wood, Director, Office of Satellite Data Processing and.

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Presentation on theme: "NOAA Science Center Overview Marie Colton, Director, Office of Research and Applications Helen Wood, Director, Office of Satellite Data Processing and."— Presentation transcript:

1 NOAA Science Center Overview Marie Colton, Director, Office of Research and Applications Helen Wood, Director, Office of Satellite Data Processing and Distribution

2 NESDIS at NOAA Science Center The NESDIS components located in the NOAA Science Center are: –Office of Satellite Data Processing and Distribution/Satellite Services Division (OSDPD/SSD) –Office of Research and Applications (ORA)

3 Office of Research and Applications

4 Director Helen Wood Deputy Director Michael Matson Satellite Services Division Chief, Reggie Lawrence Direct Services Division Chief, Dave Benner Advanced Ground Processing Program Levin Lauritson Computer Operations Branch Samuel Patterson Products System Branch Mac McCreary Satellite Active Archive Project Alex Kidd Data Services Team Dane Clark National Ice Center Cheryl Bertoia Shared Processing Program Selina Nauman Interactive Processing Branch Sharolyn Young Satellite Analysis Branch Grace Swanson (Acting) Special Programs Richard Barazotto Information Processing Division Chief, Barbara Banks Acquisitions and IT Louis Cambardella SARSAT Team Ajay Mehta Office of Satellite Data Processing and Distribution

5 Missions Office of Research & Applications (ORA) –“Provide leadership, guidance and direction for NESDIS applied research, development, technology transfer and applications activities with respect to satellites and satellite data.” Office of Satellite Data Processing & Distribution (OSDPD) - “Provide real-time and near real-time environmental data, analyses, and interpretations from polar-orbiting and geostationary operational satellites to a diverse user community for environmental assessment, prediction, and stewardship.”

6 Draft Finished Initiated Product Projected Implementation Time NOAA Satellite & Information Service

7 Performance Measure Satellite Data Ingests and Product Output vs. Successful Delivery to Customers

8 Performance Measures From 1999 - 2002, satellite data ingested increased by 102%. From 1999 - 2002, satellite product output increased by 76%. Successful delivery of products from 1999 - 2002 was approximately 99% for all years.

9 ORA, OSDPD and NWS Partnership ORA R&D –Transfer of research products to operations –Joint Center for Satellite Data Assimilation (science support for NWS) –Climate-quality satellite data records –Ocean Remote Sensing program –Weather and hazards product development –Cooperative Research Institutes OSDPD Operations –NWS is primary customer (modeling centers and forecast offices) –Growing oceanographic customers –Satellite data acquisition, including commercial sources –Implementation of research products into operations –Operational hazards support, e.g., fires, volcanic ash –471 products –Support for Joint Center for Satellite Data Assimilation (data support for NWS) –Customer support Co-location with NWS key to successful partnership

10 GE Americom NESDIS Suitland, MD Product Processing System SARSAT U. S. Mission Control Center THE POES SATELLITE SYSTEM Air Force Weather Offutt, NE Navy Ocean Center Monterey, CA SARSAT global Terminals Real-Time Reception Stations NOAA Science Bldg. NWS and NESDIS USERS Satellite Operations Control Center (SOCC) Anchorage NWS Forecast Office USERS NOAA Boulder, CO United Kingdom Toulouse, France USERS Real-time and recorded Data Lannion France Station Data Collection Platforms Command and Data Acquisition (CDA) Station Fairbanks, AK Command and Data Acquisition (CDA) Station Wallops, VA Navy/NOAA Joint Ice Center NASA NOAA PMNOAA AM National Weather Service Real-time reception Search & Rescue Data Collection System Commands Distress Signal

11 THE GOES SATELLITE SYSTEM USERS NOAA Boulder, CO USERS Imager & Sounder WEFAX User DCS Real- Time User DCS Platform NWS: Severe Storm Forecast Center Hurricane Center Meteorological Center NWS Forecast Office NOAA Gov’t Agencies Academia Private Media Others NOAA Science Bldg. Camp Springs, MD NESDIS Headquarters Suitland, MD Satellite Operations Center (SOCC) Product Processing Center U.S. Search & Rescue Control Center Command and Data Acquisition Station Wallops Island, VA DCS,/WEFAX Imager/Soundings Telemetry/Commands FEMA AWIPS NOAA Port LEGEND: Data Collection System (DCS) Weather Facsimile (WEFAX) Imager/Sounder w/other info Raw Imager/Sounder Data Search and Rescue (SAR) Emergency Managers Information Network (EMWIN) Telemetry Commands GOES EAST 75 0 W GOES WEST 135 0 W Network Control Facility Silver Spring, MD TV, Radio, Airports Flood, Fire Warning, Ocean Analysis Distress Signal

12 OSDPD Satellite Products and Services Numerical Weather Prediction and Forecast Office Support Product Applications and Services AWIPS satellite imagery and products ASOS satellite cloud product GOES derived winds Snow and ice cover Heavy precipitation estimates (flash floods) Remapped GOES and POES IR, VIS and water vapor imagery 3 hr GOES Winds Snow & Ice AWIPS 30 min GOES Water Vapor

13 OSDPD Natural Hazards Support Smoke Fire Volcanic ash graphical analysis Volcanic Ash Advisory Center Floods

14 Operational Satellite Oceanography Developing a Strategic View for Civilian Applications …requirements… …satellite meteorology re-visited…..the observational system… …examples of operational ocean products… …charting the course… Ocean Remote Sensing Program External grants program Internal transitions Coastwatch Education Outreach: Alaska and Gulf of Maine demonstration projects

15 Attributes of an Operational Ocean Service The Basic Framework drawn from meteorological analogue –Real-time remotely sensed and in-situ data –Assimilating numerical ocean circulation models –Quality control of observational data sets and models –Real-time dissemination of ocean information products –User feedback mechanisms –Archival of observations and model output –Highly educated workforce for maintenance, upgrades, data and model interpretation –Diverse basic and applied research enterprise –Support by a scientific and professional society …but in an Internet world… –Shortened development cycles –Experimental, distributed platforms –Innovation insertions …with immediate translation –GIS …and commercial opportunity

16 CoastWatch Analogue

17 NESDIS Customers NWS Forecast Offices, National Centers, and River forecast Centers National Marine Fisheries Service World Meteorological Organization European Weather Center Bureau of Reclamation NASA Fleet Numerical Meteorology and Oceanography Center The Weather Channel National Snow and Ice Data Center Various worldwide universities Department of Defense (Air Force Weather Agency) National Weather Service Federal Aviation Administration Federal Emergency Management Agency US Airlines (United, Continental, American, Atlas) Federal Express 20 Meteorological Watch Offices in Mexico, Central America, northern South America, and Caribbean

18 Joint Center for Satellite Data Assimilation (JCSDA) Improve exploitation of existing satellite data –Operational –Research Preparation for future data –Much higher data volume –Reduce time from launch to application Need for an end-to-end instrument design and application Integration of multi-agency resources Number of Instruments per Decade

19 JCSDA (Distributed Center) NASA/Goddard Data Assimilation Office ----- Technical Liaison: L. P. Riishojgaard NASA/Goddard Seasonal Interannual Prediction Project ----- Technical Liaison: M. Rienecker NOAA/OAR Office of Weather and Air Quality ----- Technical Liaison: A. Gasiewski NOAA/NESDIS Office of Research and Applications ----- Technical Liaison: D. Tarpley NOAA/NCEP Environmental Modeling Center ----- Technical Liaison: J. Derber Currently adding Air Force and Navy members Affiliated Members: NSF and NPOESS IPO JCSDA Members

20 ORA Activities in Satellite Data Assimilation Program DesertsGlacial and SnowOceansPrecipitation GovernmentPrivate New transport theory developed for modeling surface and atmosphere Validation of ModelsAdjoint TechniquesRetrieval ProcessNew Sensor Capability Code the schemes into a standard model to formulate an end to end simulation system New Sensor Design, Joint Missions of Satellite Programs

21 FY 2002 JCSDA Accomplishments Infrastructure –Computer installed (at NASA) and enhanced comms network established to deliver AIRS/MODIS to NCEP within 180 minutes of ingest –Internet 2 access being built to connect member institutions –NCEP model ported to NASA/GSFC, now used in parallel/research mode Science Top Priority Areas of Common Interest –Community-based fast radiative transfer model delivered to all members Ready for just-launched AIRS: running “simulated instrument” –Surface emissivity models being tested Operational Implementations –TRMM TMI operational in NCEP system (October 2001) –Quikscat operational in NCEP system (January 2002) 3-8% improvement in surface winds; 7-17% improvement for MSLP

22 Summary NESDIS services critical to NOAA’s and U.S. Government’s mission to protect life and property (e.g., weather, fire support, etc.) Transfer from R&D to operations major challenge to ensure that services keep pace with technology and user requirements, e.g., Joint Center for Satellite Data Assimilation. Operational oceanography thrust holds promise for major improvements in quality of NOAA oceanographic services.

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