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Brandon Johnson, Kevin Dowling, Kerry Memory. Super Awesome Windmill.

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Presentation on theme: "Brandon Johnson, Kevin Dowling, Kerry Memory. Super Awesome Windmill."— Presentation transcript:

1 Brandon Johnson, Kevin Dowling, Kerry Memory

2 Super Awesome Windmill

3 Design - Supplies Rare-Earth Neodymium-Iron-Boron magnets Approximately 1,600 feet of 30 gauge insulated wire Acrylic sheets Scrap plywood Electrical tape PVC pipe Fan blade Hot glue Nail

4 The Order Behind The Chaos Electrical Mechanical Works by spinning the magnetic field perpendicular to the direction of the coil Stronger magnets, more turns of wire, closer spacing between magnets and wire, and increased velocity all increase electrical output Use fan blades to convert the wind energy into rotational energy in the generator Rotational energy converted into electricity by magnetic field and wire

5 Efficiency ρ = Density of air = 1.204 kg / m 3 A = Area of fan blades = π*(.3m) 2 =.2827 m 2 v = Velocity of wind = 20 mph = 8.94 m / s P Theoretical = 1 / 2 ρAv 3 = 121.6 Watts I = Current =.3 Amps V = Voltage = 45 Volts P Actual = I*V = 13.5 Watts η = P Actual /P Theoretical * 100 = 11.1%

6 Learning Experiences Need lots of wire Need to get magnets close to wire Needs to spin very fast Splicing wires is more trouble than it’s worth

7 Massive Failures

8 Conclusion Splicing was a problem. Lack of knowledge about electricity and magnetism The biggest problem was trying to build a decent fan. We learned that more is always better. We were successful at lighting and burning out the bulb. If we could do it again we would have done more research on generators and windmills.

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