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¿Qué hora es? Telling Time in Spanish What time is it?

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Presentation on theme: "¿Qué hora es? Telling Time in Spanish What time is it?"— Presentation transcript:

1 ¿Qué hora es? Telling Time in Spanish What time is it?

2 To ask for the time, you use… ¿Qué hora es? There are 2 ways to respond: Es la… (12:35-1:30) Son las… (For everything else)

3 Telling Time (:01-:30)  Begin with “Son las” or “Es la”  State the hour  Say “y”  Finally, state the minutes Below are some of the exceptions :15 “y cuarto” :30 “y media”

4 A few examples  3:00Son las tres.  2:05Son las dos y cinco.  8:30Son las ocho y media.  1:25Es la una y veinticinco.  9:15 Son las nueve y cuarto.  1:20Es la una y veinte.

5 Telling Time (:31-:59)  Telling time past the half-way mark requires some subtraction.  It is like saying “till” in English.  The “formula” is as followed: The following hour – the number of minutes before that hour HUH??????

6 Breaking it Down  10:50 The following hour is 11 and it is 10 minutes before 11. So, Son las once menos (-) diez  6:35 The following hour is 7 and we have twenty-five minutes before we get there. So, Son las siete menos veinticinco.

7 More Examples  4:55Son las cinco menos cinco.  10:40Son las once menos veinte.  12:50Es la una menos diez.  2:45Son las tres menos cuarto.

8 A Little More Simplified…. …y… menosmenos

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