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Orderly Termination.  Performance – An employee’s skills, knowledge, aptitude, attitude, and effort.

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Presentation on theme: "Orderly Termination.  Performance – An employee’s skills, knowledge, aptitude, attitude, and effort."— Presentation transcript:

1 Orderly Termination


3  Performance – An employee’s skills, knowledge, aptitude, attitude, and effort.

4  Public Education Human Resource Management Act  Measurable Outcomes  Should be written for improvement

5  Conduct – adherence to rules, policies, directives, contractual obligations, and laws. Additionally, standards of ethics, morals, and professional conduct.  An employee who violates a conduct issue can be terminated for “cause”

6  Orderly Termination Policy  Due Process is Vital Use policy as much as possible when giving directives  Consistency is Vital

7  Discrimination  Protected Classes  Consistency  ADA  Follow RISK’s process



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