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CS 116 OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING II LECTURE 6 GEORGE KOUTSOGIANNAKIS Copyright: 2016 Illinois Institute of Technology/George Koutsogiannakis 1.

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Presentation on theme: "CS 116 OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING II LECTURE 6 GEORGE KOUTSOGIANNAKIS Copyright: 2016 Illinois Institute of Technology/George Koutsogiannakis 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 CS 116 OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING II LECTURE 6 GEORGE KOUTSOGIANNAKIS Copyright: 2016 Illinois Institute of Technology/George Koutsogiannakis 1

2 Last lecture’s topics Binary Search of an array. Using Arrays as counters. Vectors. Multi-dimentional Arrays 2

3 This lecture’ s topics ArrayList 3

4 The ArrayList Class Arrays have a fixed size once they have been instantiated. What if we don't know how many elements we will need? For example, if we are reading values from a file returning search results We could create a very large array, but then we waste space for all unused elements. A better idea is to use an ArrayList, which stores elements of object references and automatically expands its size, as needed. 4

5 The ArrayList Class The ArrayList class is in the package: java.util All ArrayList elements are object references, so we could have an ArrayList of Auto objects, Book objects, Strings, etc. To store primitive types in an ArrayList, use the wrapper classes (Integer, Double, Character, Boolean, etc.) The ArrayList is a generic class. The ArrayList class has been written so that it can store object references of any type specified by the client. 5

6 Declaring an ArrayList Use this syntax: ArrayList arrayListName; E is a class name that specifies the type of object references that will be stored in the ArrayList. Example: ArrayList listOfStrings; ArrayList listOfCars; ArrayList listOfInts; 6

7 ArrayList Constructors The capacity of an ArrayList is the total number of elements allocated to the list. The size of an an ArrayList is the number of elements that are used. Constructor name and argument list ArrayList constructs an ArrayList object of type E with an initial capacity of 10 ArrayList ( int initialCapacity ) constructs an ArrayList object of type E with the specified initial capacity

8 Instantiating an ArrayList This list has a capacity of 10 Astronaut references (default capacity), but a size of 0. ArrayList listOfAstronauts = new ArrayList ( ); This list has a capacity of 5 Strings, but a size of 0. ArrayList listOfStrings = new ArrayList ( 5 ); 8

9 ArrayList Methods Return valueMethod name and argument list booleanadd( E element ) appends element to the end of the list voidclear( ) removes all the elements in the list intsize( ) returns the number of elements in the list Eremove( int index ) removes the element at the specified index position

10 More ArrayList Methods Return valueMethod name and argument list Eget( int index ) returns the element at the specified index position; the element is not removed from the list. Eset( int index, E element ) replaces the element at the specified index position with the specified element voidtrimToSize( ) sets the capacity of the list to its current size

11 Processing Array Lists Using a standard for loop: ClassName currentObject; for ( int i = 0; i < arrayListName.size( ); i++ ) { currentObject = arrayListName.get( i ); // process currentObject } Example: Auto currentAuto; for ( int i = 0; i < listOfAutos.size( ); i++ ) { currentAuto = listOfAutos.get( i ); // process currentAuto } 11

12 Processing Array Lists Example of a method definition that returns an ArrayList: public ArrayList myMethod() Example of setting an object into the list: ArrayList list=new ArrayList (); list.set(0, obj); //sets at index 0 the object obj 12

13 The Enhanced for Loop Simplifies processing of lists The standard form is: for ( ClassName currentObject : arrayListName ) { // process currentObject } This enhanced for loop prints all elements of an ArrayList of Strings named list: for ( String s : list ) { System.out.println( s ); } 13

14 Study Guide Chapter 9 – Sections 9.7 14

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