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Managing a Global Environment Jeff Bryant Erin Curtis Nicklas Nimberger.

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Presentation on theme: "Managing a Global Environment Jeff Bryant Erin Curtis Nicklas Nimberger."— Presentation transcript:

1 Managing a Global Environment Jeff Bryant Erin Curtis Nicklas Nimberger

2 Largest Global Corporations 1.Exxon Mobil 2.Wal-Mart Stores 3.General Motors 4.Ford Motor 5.DaimlerChrysler 6.Royal Dutch 7.BP 8.General Electric 9.Misubishi 10.Toyota Motor

3 Global Environment Time Zones Information Technology Cultural Diversity

4 Time Zones Jet Lag Time differences World Time Zones Normal clock Global 24 by seven IT Support Customer Support

5 Information Technology The HP dilemma –Delays in Europe and Asia –Slow, inconvenient, and difficult to use –Straining relationships

6 Enter Netli’s Netlightning ADN- Application Delivery Network Ideal for : –Sub-second response times –Increased availability –Secure access to web applications –No capital expenditures

7 Information Storage Storability Software and Sun Microsystems offer Global Storage Manager (GSM) Benefits: –Increase ROI –Reduce capital expenditures –Designed for capability –Centralized point of access –Rapid implementation –Real time access

8 Goals of IT Implementation Efficiency Centralization Compatibility Cost-effectiveness ------------------------------ Successful transition requires trained personnel

9 Cultural Differences Audio- & Videoconferencing Actual travel to the other country

10 Audio- & Videoconferencing Time differences Technology standards Language barrier

11 Traveling to Another Country Understand the culture & norms Currency Jetlag

12 Discussion Questions Why is the understanding of time zones important? What are the key needs in implementing new information technology systems? If a US-based company opens offices abroad, should customs or work laws translate to domestic employees in the other country? What are other important things to consider when dealing with cultural diversity?

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