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Facilitators: The Encore Team.  Today we will address: Manners How should you look?

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Presentation on theme: "Facilitators: The Encore Team.  Today we will address: Manners How should you look?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Facilitators: The Encore Team

2  Today we will address: Manners How should you look?

3  Definition: Standards of conduct which demonstrate that a person is proper, polite, and refined.  Class Discussion:  What is proper?  What is polite?  What is refined?

4  Say “THANK YOU” after someone offers you something, or “NO THANK YOU” if you decline the offer.  Say “YES MA’AM/SIR” or “NO MA’AM/SIR”. You should never say “Yeah”.  Always be polite, and use the word “PLEASE” which goes a long way, and doesn’t cost you anything.  Show interest in the topic and person you are talking to, give eye contact, and never interrupt. Think about it. You don’t like talking to someone who doesn’t listen or always interrupts you, do you?

5  Take turns. It is important to teach to kids that they will make more friends if they are good playmates, and this involves sharing and taking turns.  Be a good sport. Although most kids like to win, no one likes a poor loser or a gloating winner. Be a good sport no matter where you finish in the game.  Be kind to others. Teach everyone to care for others, people and animals. It will make everyone a better person and also builds character.  Remember the golden rule, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” It’s never a good thing to put people down or make fun of them as many people have feelings that could be hurt easily. ANY OTHERS?

6  FACT: Little kids are impressionable! They want to be just like you!  You want to appear more mature.  You also want to impress the teacher. HOW DO MOST KIDS DRESS TODAY?

7 What if your teacher or a substitute showed up like this one day to teach you? Would you take them seriously?


9  Clothes that fit! (Not too tight or too baggy)  No holes. No skin should show  No sagging  Ladies….No revealing tops  Clean casual clothes  Not too much jewelry or make-up  WHAT ELSE?

10  She’s wearing a tank top, but she has a sweater covering her shoulders.  This makes her look more appropriate.

11  Take a shower  Brush your hair  Wear deodorant  Brush your teeth  Careful about cologne and perfumes…  Some children may be allergic!

12  What are manners?  What are examples of manners?  What is the appropriate way to dress and look on Friday?  How will you demonstrate good hygiene?  Why was this lesson important?

13  How to help young children during instruction.  For example: How to read a children’s story.

14  Children love to be read to.  But you can’t just read….  You have to show expression.  You need to change your voice when characters change.  The book needs to face them so that they can see the pictures.

15  When you were a kid, were you read to?  What were your favorite stories?  Why were they your favorite?

16  Watch the video.  At first, the reader may seem a little silly.  However, do you think little kids would like listening to her?

17  Never give them the answer.  Students need to discover the answer on their own.  Ask questions like:  “What do you do next?”  “What could you do differently?”  “How did you get that answer?”  “Where are you getting stuck?” ANY OTHER SUGGESTIONS?

18  Tutoring in other subjects.  Math  Science  History  Reading  Writing

19  Today we discuss:  Walking in a line  Raising hands  Waiting to speak  Group work  PBIS  When to get the teacher?

20  Elementary students are expected to walk in a line whenever they need to go somewhere.  When a student gets out of line, they should be reminded to get back in line.  They should not talk in a line.  When a student is not behaving in a line, it is okay to stop the line, wait a minute, and then start again.

21  Students should raise their hands to make any comments or ask any questions.  A student should not talk at the same time.  Their hand should raise silently.  Here is the correct way to raise your hand.  Here is the incorrect way to raise your hand.

22  Like the previous slide, a child should not speak until they are called upon.  What should you do if the child is talking out of turn?

23  Students often are broken off into small groups or work tables.  What if they get off track?  What is they argue?  Why would they argue? What are examples?  WHAT SHOULD YOU DO?  Here are our suggestions….

24  We have PBIS here at Southwest Middle.  Elementary schools have it too!  Students enter on one color and change colors if they misbehave.  When you arrive, check to see how the classroom handles negative behavior.

25  If you have warned a child multiple times to get back on track or if they are acting very bad, IT IS TIME TO GET THE TEACHER.  It is okay to get them, it doesn’t mean you failed!

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