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HL7-NLM Project Vocabulary Component Member and Contractors Update Orlando, Jan 2005.

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1 HL7-NLM Project Vocabulary Component Member and Contractors Update Orlando, Jan 2005

2 27 Jan 20051© 2005, Health Level Seven, Inc. Vocabulary Project Goals Make HL7 Vocabularies available within the UMLS –Immediate export of current forms –Long-term negotiation of RRF (Rich Release Format) to accommodate HL7 vocabulary structures and bindings Replace HL7 content tables, where possible, with Consolidated Health Initiative (CHI) vocabularies Describe how domain-specific binding will be represented in UMLS

3 27 Jan 20052© 2005, Health Level Seven, Inc. Contractual Components of Vocabulary Project Awarded Contracts Characterize V2 and V3 Values Sets –Serve as a basis for prioritizing CHI’izing content –Refine context understanding of terms and tables  Klein Consulting, Inc. Export current V2 and V3 HL7 terminology content in RRF format for algorithmic incorporation into UMLS –Preliminary UMLS load  Apelon

4 27 Jan 20053© 2005, Health Level Seven, Inc. Status Report and Update Export current vocabulary content and tables into RRF Delivered an open-source Java tool to convert HL7 tables in “the” Access database to well-formed RRF Delivered a full report on process, assumptions, and structure –UML models of HL7 to RRF mapping structures Delivered two sets of files –One new ULMS Source for Version 2.5 tables –One new UMLS Source for Version 3 HL7 code systems Created concatenated CodeSystem_Code identifiers

5 27 Jan 20054© 2005, Health Level Seven, Inc. Status Report and UpdateApelon RRF table sizes - Version 2 MRCONSO and MRSAT MRREL - 478 tables LinesWordsBytes MRCONSOV2 503415560 325528 MRDOCV2 21111 1228 MRRELV245564556289306 MRSABV2 164582 MRSATV2 1656418586664031

6 27 Jan 20055© 2005, Health Level Seven, Inc. Status Report and UpdateKlein Characterize V2 and V3 Values Sets - Version 2 216 messages rolled into supergroups –supergroup table assigned master rankings among – EHR, Clinical Data Exchange, Public Health All fields and datatype subcomponents –14798 atomic fields – 6175 of these seem to be coded fields – 367 of these have no table assigned Version 2.5 value sets –From 478 vocabulary tables –All assigned semantic types

7 27 Jan 20056© 2005, Health Level Seven, Inc. Status Report and Update Characterize V2 and V3 Values Sets - Version 2 (cont) Of the 478 tables: –120 are internal HL7 tables –80 covered by the HIPPA vocabularies –25 likely SNOMED –13 likley LOINC –40 are various other CHI vocabularies – 200 did not seem to map to any CHI standards

8 27 Jan 20057© 2005, Health Level Seven, Inc. Status Report and Update Characterize V2 and V3 Values Sets - Version 3 327 messages in Ballot 9 assigned to Supergroups Matched to Coded Attribute Importance in RIM (532) 468 Vocabulary Tables –70 map to internal HL7 types –40 map to SNOMED –50 map to other HIPPA vocabularies –1 map to LOINC –35 map to other CHI vocabularies – 272 appear not to map to CHI vocabularies

9 27 Jan 20058© 2005, Health Level Seven, Inc. Contractual Components of Vocabulary Project Announced Contracts Map HL7 Vocabulary Values to CHI Vocabularies –Use prioritization output from contract in process –Establish optimal CHI source for each vocabulary domain, table, and value set –For each element in a coding system, identify single best- match replacement that exists in CHI corpus

10 27 Jan 20059© 2005, Health Level Seven, Inc. Contractual Components of Vocabulary Project Future Contract(s) Vocabulary tooling and maintenance –Facilitate the harmonization process –Support maintenance, editing, and authoring by vocabulary facilitators –Support term mapping and finding against “standard” content sources (obvious application to CHI mapping process) –Ensure applicability of terminology output with balloted Common Terminology Services specification –Adhere to open-source principles

11 27 Jan 200510© 2005, Health Level Seven, Inc. Contractual Components of Vocabulary Project Future Contract(s) Representation of HL7 Binding –Formal description of bindings –Asserted at the HL7 message field level –Associated with corresponding CHI value sets –Represented in RRF extensions

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