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All Hands Meeting 2003 BIRN Portal Abel W. Lin. Overview Outline: Purpose of BIRN Portal Architecture Interaction with Grid Tools Functionality Current.

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Presentation on theme: "All Hands Meeting 2003 BIRN Portal Abel W. Lin. Overview Outline: Purpose of BIRN Portal Architecture Interaction with Grid Tools Functionality Current."— Presentation transcript:

1 All Hands Meeting 2003 BIRN Portal Abel W. Lin

2 Overview Outline: Purpose of BIRN Portal Architecture Interaction with Grid Tools Functionality Current Update Application Integration Mediator Query UMLS Browser Future Plans MyProxy, Certificates (Single Sign On) Java based SRB Tools User Feedback

3 BIRN Portal Single Sign-on Environment that allows both users and applications to transparently access the BIRN Grid Grid information gathered by the Portal can be passed along to both users and applications, thereby allowing either to be able to function in a Grid environment without “understanding” the intricacies of the Grid.

4 Architecture BIRN Portal MyProxy Application and Instruments JGIGridPort Toolkit Globus GridFTPGRAMMDS SRBNWS Physical Resources CAS Grid Security Infrastructure CACL Pegasus LDAP DataCutter Higher Level Services Core Grid Services Launching applications on the BIRN Grid requires the coordination of many different services across many logical layers Condor (-G)

5 3D Slicer Scenario LDAP MyProxy BIRN Portal CertKeyProxy Java Grid Interface 1. 2. 3a. 4. GridPort Toolkit SRB 3b.

6 A more complicated Scenario LDAP MyProxy BIRN Portal CertKey Proxy Pegasus 1. 2. 3. GridPort Toolkit BIRN Rack #1 SRB MDS BIRN Rack #2 4. 5. 6.

7 User Interaction Much of the focus to date has been implementing the architecture and proof of concept BIRN Portal interface is completely customizable to user needs (i.e. can be different for each testbed or each user) Need user feedback

8 Blank

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