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Welcome to Year 3 Mrs Ayliffe Mr Wolfson. What stays the same from Year 2 Daily Maths Daily Literacy Science, Topic, ICT, PE, RE, PSHE (or SEAL) and Music.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Year 3 Mrs Ayliffe Mr Wolfson. What stays the same from Year 2 Daily Maths Daily Literacy Science, Topic, ICT, PE, RE, PSHE (or SEAL) and Music."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Year 3 Mrs Ayliffe Mr Wolfson

2 What stays the same from Year 2 Daily Maths Daily Literacy Science, Topic, ICT, PE, RE, PSHE (or SEAL) and Music Handwriting Spelling Test

3 Guided Reading are all taught daily. Spag – Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar French Recorders Silent reading after lunch Swimming Times Tables Challenge What is different from Year 2

4 Positive Behaviour Management Good to be Green Verbal and written praise House points system. Merit box. Individual and class rewards.

5 Topics Let’s Rock Mighty Myths Lights, Camera, Action There's No Place Like Rome Food Glorious Food Growing for Gold Trips

6 PE sessions Swimming on Fridays: costume or trunks, towel, can bring goggles, hair tied back, hairbrush, socks, knickers! Outdoor kit : plain white t-shirt; navy, grey or black plain tracksuit and long sleeved top and suitable trainers. Indoor kit : plain white t-shirt; plain, navy, grey or black shorts. Tuesday sessions.

7 Homework Set on Fridays Spellings weekly Times Tables – ongoing Maths, Literacy or Topic Recorders Reading - questions Talk Ticket – sent home on Tuesdays

8 Communication between home and School Homework diary essential link, to be handed in signed, Thursday morning. Telephone Before or after school Year 3 blog Email –

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