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STANDARD PRECAUTIONS. OBJECTIVES * Define PPEs * Identify types of PPEs * Describe why following standard precautions is important.

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2 OBJECTIVES * Define PPEs * Identify types of PPEs * Describe why following standard precautions is important

3 STANDARD PRECAUTIONS When providing care rescuers may come in contact with Blood Other body fluids Risk of getting disease is low when providing care Important to know how to protect yourself from blood borne pathogens and other diseases Blood Bourne pathogens Bacteria and viruses that are present in blood and body fluid which can cause disease in humans

4 BLOODBORNE PATHOGENS Bloodborne pathogens Bacteria and viruses that are present in blood and body fluid which can cause disease in humans Spread through direct or indirect contact with infected blood or body fluids Diseases of concern are Hepatitis A- highly contagious liver infection caused by the hepatitis A virus. Transmitted via fecal-oral route (person- person or contamination of food/water) May be prevented via vaccination Hepatitis C Liver disease caused by hepatitis C virus Transmitted via unsafe injection practices (improper medical equipment sterilization, transfusions of unsafe blood) No vaccination available HIV virus that can lead to AIDS, alters immune system Transmitted via unsafe injection practices, bodily fluids from an infected person to damaged mucus membrane or tissue Treatments available to slow condition

5 PREVENTION OF SPREAD OF BLOODBORNE PATHOGENS Follow stand precaution protocols Treat all blood or body fluid as if it is infectious Use Personal protection equipment Hand hygiene Engineering controls Work practice controls Proper equipment cleaning procedures Spill Clean up procedures

6 PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)  Specialized clothing, equipment and supplies  CPR breathing buriers  Eyewear  Gloves  Bag valve masks  Mask  Eyewear  Gowns

7 HAND HYGIENE Always wash your hands after providing care  Frequently and thoroughly  Wash away diseases you might have picked up while providing care


9 SCENARIO Megan a health studies student at Southeastern collapses in the lobby of the kinesiology building. You see that the she is bleeding from her mouth and face. You also notice that there is vomit on floor around her. A bystander tells you that the she hit her face on the floor when she fell. What actions might you take? What types of PPEs would you use?

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