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PSAT Test Format and Test Taking Tips. General Test Taking Tips Expect easy questions at the beginning of each set of sentence completion questions and.

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Presentation on theme: "PSAT Test Format and Test Taking Tips. General Test Taking Tips Expect easy questions at the beginning of each set of sentence completion questions and."— Presentation transcript:

1 PSAT Test Format and Test Taking Tips

2 General Test Taking Tips Expect easy questions at the beginning of each set of sentence completion questions and math questions.

3 General Test Taking Tips Earn as many points as you can on easy questions. (For each correct answer you receive one point, no matter how hard or easy the question is)

4 General Test Taking Tips You don’t have to answer every question. You can do well even if you omit some questions.

5 General Test Taking Tips Work steadily. Don’t waste time on a question that is too hard for you. If you can’t answer the question, mark it in your test book and go on. You can go back later if you have time.

6 General Test Taking Tips Mark your answer in the correct row of ovals on the answer sheet. Be especially careful if you skip questions.

7 General Test Taking Tips Try guessing. When you can, eliminate at least one answer to a multiple-choice question.

8 Math Test You have two sections: QuestionsTime No calculator17 questions25 minutes Calculator31 questions45 minutes

9 Math Test Taking Tips The test directions shows you various formulas. Before you take the test, become familiar with which formulas will be given in the directions.

10 Math Test Taking Tips Figures are always drawn to scale unless the question says otherwise.

11 Math Test Taking Tips Use educated guesses to improve you chances of answering it right. Eliminate answers that you know are wrong and choose from the remaining.

12 Math Test Taking Tips For a Geometry problem, if a figure is not drawn, you may find it helpful to draw the figure so you can visualize the problem.

13 Math Test Taking Tips If you have difficulty in determining what is being asked in a question, look a the answer choices before you begin working the problem. The answer choices will often help you focus on what you are supposed to be looking for in the problem.

14 Math Test Taking Tips Learn the gridding rules, since misgridding is the most common way to lose points when you know the correct answer.

15 Math Test Taking Tips Remember, only what is gridded will count, so always double check your grids and make sure each column grid matches the number that you have written above the column.

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