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Mobile Learning. The students of today are technologically savvy and in need of an education that is individualized and geared toward that technology.

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Presentation on theme: "Mobile Learning. The students of today are technologically savvy and in need of an education that is individualized and geared toward that technology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mobile Learning

2 The students of today are technologically savvy and in need of an education that is individualized and geared toward that technology. Through Mobile Learning, students will be able to experience learning through listening, reading, predicting, reflecting and responding. This entire experience can take place via a smart phone. Therefore, learning can take place anywhere at any time, but most importantly, all the time.

3 Many researchers have discovered the positive aspects of mobile learning through careful and analytical research. Some of these studies include: Ally, M. (2009). Mobile learning: Transforming the delivery of education and training. Athabasca, AB: Athabasca University Press. Keegan, D. (2005). The Incorporation of mobile learning into mainstream education and training. In mLearn2005 Retrieved December 31, 2011 from Wentzel, P., Lammeren, R., Molendijk, M., Bruin, S., Wagtendonk, A. (2005). Using mobile technology to enhance students' educational experiences, Case Study from the EDUCAUSE Center for Applied Research. The research undergirding this innovation is demonstrated, including (a) the organization/people that developed the innovation, (b) the findings of their research, (c) the “lead thinkers,” for the innovation, and (d) how they convinced a manufacturer to produce the innovation.

4 Made with Office Timeline ' 92 Jan 1992 Aug 1994 Mar 1997 Oct 1999 May 2002 Dec 2004 Jul 2007 ' 10 Iphone 4 is developed and sold 2010 Android apps are developed and marketed 2009 Android platform smartphones are developed and sold 2008 Iphones are developed and sold by Apple 2007 Smartphone being marketed as multimedia PC 2005 First multimedia platform smartphone 2002 First Smart phone sold as a "smart Phone" 2000 First mass produced smartphone introduced. Called the Erricson 1997 Nokia launches first smartphone for business professionals. 1996 IBM Launches Simon - the first smartphone for $899.00 1992 The concerns about development are presented, including (a) the development problems encountered by the developers, and (b) the intended market for the innovation.

5 u-s-by-2011/ A description is included for the production, manufacturing, packaging, marketing, and distribution of your innovation.

6 race-and.html


8 Made with Office Timeline ' 73 1973197919851991199720032009 ' 14 Today Text Messaging 6/14/93 Pre I-Phone 6/6/93 First Digital Phone Call 5/18/90 2G Technology 5/17/90 Call Handoff 4/16/84 Nokia Makes First Cell Phone 4/1/82 First Commercial for Cell Phones 4/5/79 First Handheld Conversation 3/1/73 Confirmation8/30/1312/30/13 Implementation7/30/128/30/13 Decision6/30/127/30/12 Persuasion2/5/126/30/12 Knowledge1/5/732/5/12

9 Prior Knowledge – Assessment of current teacher/student knowledge and exposure to mobile devices Immediate Needs/Solutions – Determining manner of storing and using devices – Developing appropriate usage standards – Create lesson plans using the Learning Focused strategies to implement smartphones Innovative – Easy to use w/ numerous apps being developed daily Social System Norms – Staple technological tool regardless of socioeconomic status

10 Personality – Usage with teachers and students who favor and are willing to experiment with new technology Communication – Improved communication between students and teacher through using a technological medium that is comfortable and familiar to the student

11 Relative Advantage – Improved communication and active engagement of students Compatibility – Standard software that can be maintained and troubleshot through the District Technology Support Complexity – No standard operating system or platform for mobile learning yet. Continuous monitoring necessary Triability – Professional learning opportunities should be made available for teachers to try mobile learning prior to implementation in the classroom. Observability – Teachers, administrators, and stakeholders will be able to observe the mobile learning process in action as well as view academic successes through a dashboard posted on the school web site.

12 Adoption – Select teachers will be given the opportunity to implement mobile learning in their classrooms. – These teachers will teach in 21 st century classrooms complete with two networked computers, smartboard, lcd projector, and Elmo document camera. – Once the mobile learning is successfully implemented, these teacher would model mobile learning to other teachers throughout the district. Rejection – Teachers not comfortable with the full implementation of mobile learning will be given the opportunity to opt out and continue their technology professional development until they are comfortable attempting to utilize the technological tools.

13 Teachers implementing the mobile learning technology will be offered continuous technical support and professional development opportunities.

14 Mass Media – Radio – Television – newspaper Interpersonal – Face to face communication Interactive Communication – Internet – Skype – Email & Chat

15 Week 6 (10 points)

16 Demonstrates the rate of proliferation of a new innovation. Initial slow during innovation phase Very fast adoption rate during growth phase Slow and minimal growth during maturity phase


18 Data from: penetration-84-wireless-revenue-155b-by-years-end-1371/snl-kagan-cell- phone-penetration-usjpg/ penetration-84-wireless-revenue-155b-by-years-end-1371/snl-kagan-cell- phone-penetration-usjpg/ % Pen.14%77.4%88.3%94.6%98.5%101.2%

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