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WePS2 Attribute Extraction Task Sekine and Artiles WWW 2009 Workshop.

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Presentation on theme: "WePS2 Attribute Extraction Task Sekine and Artiles WWW 2009 Workshop."— Presentation transcript:

1 WePS2 Attribute Extraction Task Sekine and Artiles WWW 2009 Workshop

2 What are we going to do today? Web people search attribute extraction task overview Brief summary of two teams’ methods

3 Task Overview

4 Extract 18 attributes from a webpage

5 Corpus Training  17 person names Test  30 person names  2,883 web pages  2,421 have at least 1 attribute

6 Evaluation

7 CASIANED National Lab of Pattern Recognition (China) Precision: 8.5 Recall: 19

8 PolyUHK The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 1. Webpage type classification 2. Fragment style identification 3. NER and RDR (relation detection and recognition) Precision: 30.4 Recall: 7.6

9 PolyUHK The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 1. Webpage type classification 2. Fragment style identification 3. NER and RDR (relation detection and recognition) Precision: 30.4 Recall: 7.6

10 PolyUHK The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

11 1. Webpage type classification 2. Fragment style identification 3. NER and RDR (relation detection and recognition) Precision: 30.4 Recall: 7.6

12 PolyUHK The Hong Kong Polytechnic University


14 1. Webpage type classification 2. Fragment style identification 3. NER and RDR (relation detection and recognition) Precision: 30.4 Recall: 7.6

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