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Providing Nutrition through Tomorrow’s Markets Panelists:Mario Rodenstein, Unilever Bestfoods Chuck Slotkin, Nature’s Equity Cheryl Toner, International.

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Presentation on theme: "Providing Nutrition through Tomorrow’s Markets Panelists:Mario Rodenstein, Unilever Bestfoods Chuck Slotkin, Nature’s Equity Cheryl Toner, International."— Presentation transcript:

1 Providing Nutrition through Tomorrow’s Markets Panelists:Mario Rodenstein, Unilever Bestfoods Chuck Slotkin, Nature’s Equity Cheryl Toner, International Food Information Council Moderator:Elizabeth Cook, WRI Panel Discussion:

2 Millions are Malnourished amidst an abundance of food

3 Of the 826 million undernourished people, 791 million live in the developing world

4 Poor diet and inactivity may soon outstrip tobacco as the nation's leading preventable killer Preventable Deaths in the United States CAUSENUMBERSPERCENTAGE OF ALL DEATHS Tobacco1990400,00019% 2000435,00018.2% Poor Diet & Inactivity1990300,00014% 2000400,00016.6% Alcohol1990100,0005% 200085,0003.5% Microbial Agents199090,0004% 200075,0003.1% Toxic Agents199060,0003% 200055,0002.3% Motor Vehicles199025,0001% 2000430001.8% Source: Journal of the American Medical Association

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