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Ad- To, toward. -hesion Hint: Something stuck to.

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Presentation on theme: "Ad- To, toward. -hesion Hint: Something stuck to."— Presentation transcript:

1 ad- To, toward

2 -hesion Hint: Something stuck to

3 bi- Two

4 -lateral Hint: Two-sided

5 blast- Germ or cell

6 -toma Hint: A true tumor of cells

7 cardio- Pertaining to the heart

8 -graphy Hint: Recording of the actions of the heart

9 dys- With pain or difficulty

10 -pnea Hint: Difficulty breathing

11 epi- Upon, on

12 -dermis Hint: The skin

13 pulmo- Lung

14 -nary Hint: Involving the lungs

15 tachy- Fast

16 -cardia Hint: Fast heart rate

17 leuk- Pertaining to anything white

18 -ocyte Hint: White blood cells

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