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Building the Convenience Sandwich Convenience Foods 2.04 HINT: Start from the bottom and work your way up!

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Presentation on theme: "Building the Convenience Sandwich Convenience Foods 2.04 HINT: Start from the bottom and work your way up!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Building the Convenience Sandwich Convenience Foods 2.04 HINT: Start from the bottom and work your way up!

2 Convenience foods are: Those that have been completely or in-part commercially processed. CONVENIENCE FOODS (PROCESSED FOODS) Convenience foods have been: canned, frozen, cured, dried or freeze-dried Processing helps: Keep perishable foods from spoiling by destroying or by slowing down the growth of harmful microorganisms.

3 Convenience foods can be stored: At room temperature for longer periods of time than “fresh” foods. By following label directions (3): Enables inexperienced cook to quickly prepare tasty; nutritious meals,do not require special skills or equipment; gives clues to how food can fit into a balanced healthful diet or meal plan.

4 ADVANTAGES for using convenience foods are (5) saves time and energy, shorter/easier meal preparation leads to families eating at home more, foods are sold year round; an inexpensive way to add variety and creativity; suggestions for “light” preparation methods to reduce fat. DISADVANTAGES for using convenience foods are (6): Higher costs; nutrients lost during processing; may contain higher amounts of fat, sugar sodium, and calories, may contain preservatives, may lack appeal of foods prepared at home. Packaging may negatively impact environment.

5 Classification of label information are (5): Yield; ingredients and their amounts; step-by-step directions, container size and type,;temperature and time. Following label directions helps:(4) Ensure successful food preparation, avoid frustration, avoid wasting ingredients and money; and allows one to combine convenience foods with basic “fresh” ingredients for easier and quicker meal preparation.

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