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C Trang Do Inventions Inventions ► The ancient Sumerians invented the wheel to make it possible to move heavy loads. The chariot took many steps to make.

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2 C Trang Do Inventions

3 Inventions ► The ancient Sumerians invented the wheel to make it possible to move heavy loads. The chariot took many steps to make. It started out with just a roller and started adding more pieces to it. The final step was to make each part separately. The wheel was connected to an axle that was connected to pegs that were connected to a runner. The game that everybody loves, checkers, was invented way back then. The people of Ur had invented the game. The ancient Sumerians had also invented the first written language. It was called Cuneiform and consisted of wedged-shaped markings. They had wrote in pieces of wet clay tablets with a stem of a plant called the reed. When you were a business man or a very important person you would need to sign contracts. Kings didn’t know how to read or write, but you didn’t need to know how to do those to sign a contract. All they needed to do was role a cylinder seal over a clay tablet and it was signed. The Sumerians also invented the first Super-hero, Gilgamesh. He was 2/3 god and 1/3 human, he also had super powers.

4 Inventions ► Today we still use the wheel, chariots, checkers, writing, and we also have superheroes.

5 D Trang Do Daily life of Sumerians

6 ► The Sumerians loved learning and wrote everything down. Only boys were allowed to attend school, but only rich boys were allowed to go. The schools were attached to the temples at the bottom of the ziggurat. The boys loved going to school even though the teachers were very strict and whipped them for doing something wrong. There were some exceptions to who could go to school. Some female priests were allowed to learn how to read and write. Everyone had homes back then if they were in the lower class or in the upper class you still had a home. Their houses were three stories high and they had a flat roof. Some rich families had roofs with four walls almost like another room without a ceiling. Richer families also had bigger houses. They some times slept and cooked on their roofs. They started having rich and poor sections in the cities. If you were somewhere in the middle class having to sell stuff or getting paid you needed to know how to read and write or you needed to hire someone.

7 Daily Life ► Sumerian daily life is close to ours. We have kids going to school but both boys and girl are allowed to go. It is now a law that kids have to go to school unlike back then. Nowadays since everyone has to go to school everyone knows how to read. If you were a store keeper or someone who needed to write doesn’t have to hire anyone.

8 Bibliography ►

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