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1 Engaging & Motivating Whittney Smith, Ed.D.. 2 A Collaborative Classroom is like a helium filled hula hoop.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Engaging & Motivating Whittney Smith, Ed.D.. 2 A Collaborative Classroom is like a helium filled hula hoop."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Engaging & Motivating Whittney Smith, Ed.D.

2 2 A Collaborative Classroom is like a helium filled hula hoop.

3 3 The Kids are Different! Who are Millenials and what are they like? –Realistic –Optimistic –Progressive –Loyal –Inclusive –Collaborative –Scheduled They want feedback to be timely and two way!

4 4 Millenials See Leadership… … as participative

5 5 Practical Strategies for At-Risk Students Greet students at the door! Choice (do 10 out of 12) Don’t Aggravate them! Establish a Culture in Your Classroom Rigor – Use Rubrics… begin with the end in mind

6 6Feedback Positive Feedback When you… I felt… Use this more frequently Negative Feedback I felt… When you… In the future…

7 7 Remember this?!

8 8 How did you get to be as good as you are? Attitudes KnowledgeSkills

9 9 What type of teacher will you be?

10 10Teachers 35% 15%

11 11Students 35% 15% 35% 15%

12 12 Students Who Drop Out 5% 10% 70% 15%

13 13 Personalization to help disaffected students: Assess their own talents and aspirations Plan a pathway toward their own purpose Work cooperatively with others on challenging tasks Maintain a record of their explorations & Demonstrate their learning against clear standards in a variety of media, All with the close support of Adult Mentors & Guides

14 14 What’s happening with personalization? YesNo?? My teachers are happy. 16%12%72% My teachers like to spend time with me. 17% 66% Most teachers like kids. 20%15%65% My teachers like to talk with kids informally. 11%25%64% My teachers like to play and have fun. 8%11%81% There is an adult in my school I could talk to if I had a problem. 43%12%45% H. Johnston,

15 15 Take home points! Personalization and two-way communication are vital when working with disaffected learners!

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